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Interpreting Messages Generated in Standard Format

The syntax of a standard-format message generated by a Junos OS process or subroutine library depends on whether it includes priority information:

  • When the explicit-priority statement is included at the [edit system syslog file filename] or [edit system syslog host hostname ] hierarchy level, a system log message has the following syntax:
    timestamp		message-source: %facility–severity–TAG: message-text
  • When directed to the console or to users, or when the explicit-priority statement is not included for files or remote hosts, a system log message has the following syntax:
    timestamp		message-source: TAG: message-text

Table 1 describes the message fields.

Table 1: Fields in Standard-Format Messages



Time at which the message was logged.


Identifier of the process or component that generated the message and the routing platform on which the message was logged. This field includes two or more subfields: hostname, process and process ID (PID). If the process does not report its PID, the PID is not displayed. The message source subfields are displayed in the following format:

hostname	process[process-ID]


Code that specifies the facility to which the system log message belongs. For a mapping of codes to facility names, see Table: Facility Codes Reported in Priority Information in Including Priority Information in System Log Messages.


Numerical code that represents the severity level assigned to the system log message. For a mapping of codes to severity names, see Table: Numerical Codes for Severity Levels Reported in Priority Information in Including Priority Information in System Log Messages.


Text string that uniquely identifies the message, in all uppercase letters and using the underscore (_) to separate words. The tag name begins with a prefix that indicates the generating software process or library. The entries in this reference are ordered alphabetically by this prefix.

Not all processes on a routing platform use tags, so this field does not always appear.


Text of the message.

Published: 2014-07-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-07-23