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[edit wlan access-point] Hierarchy Level

Several statements in the [edit wlan access-point] hierarchy are valid at numerous locations within it. To make the complete hierarchy easier to read, the repeated statements are listed in Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options and Common WLAN Station Queue Options. Those sections are referenced at the appropriate locations in Complete [edit wlan access-point] Hierarchy.

Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Complete [edit wlan access-point] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated.

  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service access-point-queues background-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service access-point-queues best-effort-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service access-point-queues video-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service access-point-queues voice-queue]

The common WLAN access point queue options are as follows:

arbitration-inter-frame-space slots;maximum-burst microseconds;
maximum-contention-window {(1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023);}
minimum-contention-window {(1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023);}

Common WLAN Station Queue Options

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Complete [edit wlan access-point] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated.

  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service station-queues background-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service station-queues best-effort-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service station-queues video-queue]
  • [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) quality-of-service station-queues voice-queue]

The common WLAN station queue options are as follows:

arbitration-inter-frame-space slots;
maximum-contention-window {(1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023);}
minimum-contention-window {(1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023);}
transmit-opportunity-limit ms;

Complete [edit wlan access-point] Hierarchy

wlan {access-point name {access-point-options {country {country-code;}station-mac-filter {(allow-list | deny-list) {mac-address [ addresses ];}}}cluster {cluster-name;}description description;external {dot1x-supplicant {password password;username username;}system {console {baud-rate (9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200);}ntp-server name;ports {ethernet {management-vlan vlan-id;name-server [ ip-addresses ];static {address ip-prefix</prefix-length>;default-gateway ip-address;}untagged-vlan vlan-id;}}}}location location;mac-address mac-address;radio (1 | 2) {quality-of-service {access-point-queues {background-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options ...}best-effort-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options ...}video-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options ...}voice-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Access Point Queue Options ...}}no-acknowledgement;no-auto-power-save;no-wifi-multimedia;station-queues {background-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Station Queue Options ...}best-effort-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Station Queue Options ...}video-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Station Queue Options ...}voice-queue {... statements in Common WLAN Station Queue Options ...}}}radio-options {beacon-interval ms;broadcast-multicast-rate-limit {rate-limit packets-per-second;rate-limit-bursts packets-per-second;}channel {bandwidth (20 | 40);number (auto | channel-number);primary (lower | upper);}dfs-off;disable-dot11d;dtim-period beacons;fixed-multicast-rate (auto | 1 | 2 | 5.5 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 54);fragmentation-threshold size;maximum-stations number;mode (2.4GHz | 5GHz | a | an | bg | bgn);no-short-guard-interval;protection (auto | off);radio-off;rts-threshold size;space-time-block-coding;transmit-power percent;transmit-rate-sets {supported-basic-rates rate;supported-rates rate;}}virtual-access-point id {description description;http-redirect {redirect-url url;}no-broadcast-ssid;security {... the security subhierarchy appears after the main [edit wlan access-point name radio (1 | 2) virtual-access-point id] hierarchy level ...}ssid ssid;vlan vlan-id;}  virtual-access-point id {security {dot1x {broadcast-key-refresh-rate minutes;radius-key key;radius-server ip-address;session-key-refresh-rate minutes;}mac-authentication-type (disabled | local | radius);none;static-wep {authentication-type (both | open | shared);key-length (64bits | 128bits);key-type (ascii | hex);transfer-key-index id;wep-key-1 key;wep-key-2 key;wep-key-3 key;wep-key-4 key;}wpa-enterprise {cipher-suites {(both | ccmp | tkip);}pre-authenticate;radius {broadcast-key-refresh-rate minutes;radius-key key;radius-server ip-address;session-key-refresh-rate minutes;}wpa-version {(both | v1 | v2);}}wpa-personal {broadcast-key-refresh-rate minutes;cipher-suites {(both | ccmp | tkip);}key key;wpa-version {(both | v1 | v2);}}}}}}}

Published: 2013-07-31