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Configuring MAC Notification (CLI Procedure)

When a switch learns or unlearns a MAC address, SNMP notifications can be sent to the network management system at regular intervals to record the addition or removal of the MAC address. This process is known as MAC notification.

The MAC notification interval defines how often Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notifications logging the addition or removal of MAC addresses on the switch are sent to the network management system.

MAC notification is disabled by default. When MAC notification is enabled, the default MAC notification interval is 30 seconds.

To enable or disable MAC notification, or to set the MAC notification interval, perform these tasks:

Enabling MAC Notification

MAC notification is disabled by default. You need to perform this procedure to enable MAC notification.

To enable MAC notification on the switch with the default MAC notification interval of 30 seconds:

[edit ethernet-switching-options] user@switch# set mac-notification

To enable MAC notification on the switch with any other MAC notification interval (here, the MAC notification interval is set to 60 seconds):

[edit ethernet-switching-options] user@switch# set mac-notification notification-interval 60

Disabling MAC Notification

MAC Notification is disabled by default. Perform this procedure only if MAC notification was previously enabled on your switch.

To disable MAC notification on the switch:

[edit ethernet-switching-options] user@switch# delete mac-notification

Setting the MAC Notification Interval

The default MAC notification interval is 30 seconds. The procedure to change the MAC notification interval to a different interval is identical to the procedure to enable MAC notification on the switch with a nondefault value for the MAC notification interval.

To set the MAC notification interval on the switch (here, the MAC notification interval is set to 5 seconds):

[edit ethernet-switching-options] user@switch# set mac-notification notification-interval 5

Published: 2014-04-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-04-23