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Configuring the Interoperability Between the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PICs P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP and PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4

You can enable interoperability between the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PICs PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 and P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP by performing the following tasks:

Configuring SA Multicast Bit Steering Mode on 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP

To enable the interoperability between the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PICs PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 and P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP, you must enable source address (SA) multicast bit steering mode on P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP.

Note: When you configure the SA multicast bit steering mode on the PTX Series PIC P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP, we recommend that you do not configure the PIC ports as member links of an aggregated Ethernet interface because this prevents load balancing on the peering T Series PIC PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4. This T Series PIC must be in aggregated Ethernet mode to share bandwidth between its two 50-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

To configure SA multicast bit steering mode on the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP:

  1. Specify the FPC, PIC, and port information on the chassis.
    [edit ]user@host# edit chassis fpc slot pic slot port port-number

    For example:

    [edit ]user@host# edit chassis fpc 1 pic 0 port 0
  2. Configure the interoperation mode (SA multicast bit steering mode).
    [edit chassis fpc 1 pic 0]user@host# set forwarding-mode sa-multicast
  3. Verify the configuration.
    [edit ]user@host# show chassis
    fpc 1 {
        pic 0 {
            port 0 {
                forwarding-mode {

Note: As the default packet steering mode for the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 is SA multicast bit steering mode, no configuration is necessary to enable this mode.

Configuring Two 50-Gigabit Ethernet Physical Interfaces on the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 as One Aggregated Ethernet Interface

To enable the interoperability between the 100-Gigabit Ethernet PICs PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 and PF-1CGE-CFP or P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP, you need to configure the two 50-Gigabit Ethernet physical interfaces on PD-1CE-CFP-FPC4 as one aggregated Ethernet physical interface. This ensures that a single 100-Gigabit aggregated interface is visible on the link connecting to PF-1CGE-CFP or P1-PTX-2-100GE-CFP instead of two independent 50-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

When the PIC is in aggregated Ethernet mode, the two physical interfaces on the same PIC are aggregated into one aggregated Ethernet physical interface. When the PIC is configured with two physical interfaces, it creates the physical interfaces et-fpc/pic/0:0 and et-fpc/pic/0:1, where fpc is the FPC slot number and pic is the PIC slot number. For example, to configure two physical interfaces for PIC slot 0 in FPC slot 5:

  1. Specify the number of aggregated Ethernet interfaces to be created.
    [edit chassis]user@host# set aggregated devices ethernet device-count count

    For example:

    [edit chassis]user@host# set aggregated devices ethernet device-count 1
  2. Specify the members to be included within the aggregated Ethernet bundle.
    [edit interfaces ]user@host# set interface-name gigether-options 802.3ad bundle

    The following example shows how to configure two physical interfaces for PIC 0 on a T1600 router.

    [edit interfaces ]user@host# set et-5/0/0:0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 user@host# set et-5/0/0:1 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0
  3. Verify the configuration at the chassis.
    [edit ]user@host# show chassis
    aggregated-devices {
        ethernet {
            device-count 1;
  4. Verify the configuration at the interface.
    [edit ]user@host# show interfaces
    et-5/0/0:0 {
        gigether-options {
            802.3ad ae0;
    et-5/0/0:1 {
        gigether-options {
            802.3ad ae0;

Published: 2013-08-01