Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- T Series
- Overview of a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router
- Roadmap for Configuring the Routing Matrix
- Example Configuration for the Routing Matrix
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient Disk Space
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient DRAM
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Mixed Software
Upgrading the Junos OS on a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router
When you upgrade the Junos OS on a routing matrix with a TX Matrix Plus router, the new image is loaded onto the TX Matrix Plus router (sfc 0) and distributed to all of the connected routers based on the line-card chassis (LCC) configuration.
![]() | Note: Throughout this task description, the term switch-fabric chassis (SFC) refers to the TX Matrix Plus router in the routing matrix, and the term line-card chassis (LCC) refers to a T1600 or T4000 router connected to the SFC in the routing matrix. |
Before you begin upgrading the Junos OS on a routing matrix, be sure that the following requirements are met:
- Sufficient free disk space on each Routing Engine in the routing matrix. To determine the amount of disk space currently available on all Routing Engines in the routing matrix, issue the show system storage operational command.
- Sufficient DRAM on each Routing Engine in the routing matrix. To determine the amount of DRAM currently available on all the Routing Engines in the routing matrix, issue the show chassis routing-engine operational command.
- Both Routing Engines on the SFC must have the same model
number. Each LCC must contain two Routing Engines. The Routing Engines
on all LCCs must have the same model number.
For more information about which Routing Engines are supported for the TX Matrix Plus router, T1600 router, and T4000 router, see Supported Routing Engines by Chassis.
- For the TXP-T1600 configuration, you must upgrade the router to Junos OS Release 9.6R2 or later. TX Matrix Plus routers in the TXP-T1600 configuration support 32-bit and 64-bit Junos OS. However, the SFC and LCC must run either 32-bit Junos or 64-bit Junos.
- Starting with Junos OS Release 13.1, the TX Matrix Plus routers with 3D SIBs (for the TXP-T1600-3D, TXP-T4000-3D, and TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D configurations) support 64-bit Junos OS.
- The same version of Junos OS must be running on all Routing
Engines in the routing matrix.
Note: The routing matrix does not operate properly unless all master Routing Engines are running the same version of Junos OS.
Different versions of the Junos OS can use different message formats that might be incompatible, particularly when graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) is enabled. For more information about GRES, see “Understanding Graceful Routing Engine Switchover in the Junos OS” and “Configuring Graceful Routing Engine Switchover” in the Junos OS High Availability Library for Routing Devices.
Because the procedure for upgrading the Junos OS includes switching of the Routing Engine mastership, we recommend that the same version of Junos OS be running on all Routing Engines in the routing matrix. To determine the versions of Junos OS running on the Routing Engines in a routing matrix, issue the show version invoke-on operational command.
![]() | Best Practice: By default, the Routing Engine in slot 0 (re0) is the master and the one in slot 1 (re1) is the backup. You can modify the default Routing Engine mastership by including the routing-engine slot-number (master | backup | disabled) statement at the [edit chassis redundancy] hierarchy level. However, it is considered best practice to make sure that all master Routing Engines are re0 and all backup Routing Engines are re1 (or vice versa). Throughout this task description, the master Routing Engine is re0 and the backup Routing Engine is re1 in all routers in the routing matrix. |
This topic includes the following tasks:
- Logging In to the Master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus Router
- Disabling Routing Engine Redundancy and GRES on the Routing Matrix
- Installing Junos OS on the Backup Routing Engines
- Loading Software on the Backup Routing Engines
- Switching Routing Engine Mastership to the Backup Routing Engines
- Installing Software on the New Default Master Routing Engines
- Loading Software on the New Default Master Routing Engines
- Optional: Switching Routing Engine Mastership Back to the Default Master Routing Engines
- Restoring the Original Configuration
- Backing Up the Routing Engines
Logging In to the Master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus Router
Log in to the master Routing Engine on the SFC.
![]() | Note: During the upgrade process, in-band management connections to the routing matrix are lost each time you reboot the system (first, to load the new software onto the backup Routing Engines and later, to load the new software onto the master Routing Engines). Therefore, we recommend that you perform the software upgrade procedure out-of-band, over a direct console connection to the TX Matrix Plus router using Secure Shell (SSH) or Telnet. Connect the system console device to the asynchronous serial port (labeled CONSOLE) on the Control Board (CB) associated with the master Routing Engine. |
To log in to the master Routing Engine on the SFC and start the Junos OS CLI:
At a management console attached to the master Routing Engine (re0) on the TX Matrix Plus router, log in to the Junos OS CLI using a root administration account:
login: root Password: ••••••••• --- JUNOS 13.1-R1.0 built 2012-11-30 05:40:54 UTC
Note: From the factory, the root administration user account is not associated with a password.
Amnesiac (ttyd0) login: root
However, you must add a password to the root administration account before you can successfully commit a configuration.
At the shell prompt (%), start the Junos OS CLI:
{master} root@sfc0-re0>
Disabling Routing Engine Redundancy and GRES on the Routing Matrix
By default, graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) is disabled. To enable GRES on a router, you can include the graceful-switchover statement at the [edit chassis redundancy] hierarchy level:
The procedure for upgrading the Junos OS on a routing matrix with a TX Matrix Plus router includes tasks that entail disruption of traffic processing by the affected Routing Engines:
- Upgrading the software on all the backup Routing Engines.
- Switching the Routing Engine mastership to the backup Routing Engines.
- Upgrading the software on all the master Routing Engines.
- Switching the Routing Engine mastership back to the master Routing Engines.
If GRES is enabled on any routers in the routing matrix, disable this feature.
To disable GRES on all routers in the routing matrix:
Enter configuration mode:
{master} root@sfc0-re0> configure Entering configuration mode
Note: In the example shown in this step, the form of CLI prompt (beginning with either {master} or {backup} and displaying either -re0 or -re1 in the hostname portion of the prompt) indicates that GRES is enabled on that router.
Display the Routing Engine redundancy stanza:
{master} [edit] root@sfc0-re0# show chassis ... redundancy { graceful-switchover; } ...
Disable Routing Engine redundancy in the candidate configuration. If GRES is enabled, it is removed with the redundancy stanza:
{master} [edit] root@sfc0-re0# delete chassis redundancy
Verify that the graceful-routing statement has been removed (if it was previously enabled) with the redundancy stanza from the [edit chassis] hierarchy level of the candidate configuration:
[edit] root@sfc0# show chassis
Note: You can also issue the show system switchover all-chassis operational command to display Routing Engine graceful switchover information
Commit the configuration on all Routing Engines in the routing matrix by using the commit synchronize and-quit statement at the [edit] hierarchy. If the configuration contains no errors and the commit succeeds, exit CLI configuration mode:
Installing Junos OS on the Backup Routing Engines
Install the new version of Junos OS on the backup Routing Engines (re1) of all the routers in the routing matrix while leaving the currently running version of Junos OS running on the master Routing Engines (re0). This allows the master Routing Engines to continue operations, minimizing the disruption to the routing matrix and your network.
To install the new version of Junos OS on all backup Routing Engines in the routing matrix:
At a management console attached to the backup Routing Engine (re1) on the SFC, log in to the Junos OS CLI using a root administration account:
login: root Password: ••••••••• --- JUNOS 13.1-R1.0 built 2012-11-30 05:40:54 UTC
- At the shell prompt (%), start the Junos OS CLI:
- To install the new Junos OS on the backup Routing Engines
(re1) in the routing matrix, issue the request system software add operational
command at the SFC, and specify the new Junos OS image file.
The following example shows sample output for the request system software add command:
The following example shows a sample output for the request system software add command for a routing matrix with a combination of three T1600 routers and two T4000 routers.
root@sfc0_alt_re> request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz
Pushing bundle to lcc0-re1 Pushing bundle to lcc2-re1 Pushing bundle to lcc4-re1 Pushing bundle to lcc6-re1 Pushing bundle to lcc7-re1 Validating on lcc0-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1R1.0 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Validating on lcc2-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1-20121123_ib_13_1_psd.0 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Validating on lcc4-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1-20121128_ib_13_1_psd.1 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Validating on lcc6-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1-20121123_ib_13_1_psd.0 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Validating on lcc7-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1-20121123_ib_13_1_psd.0 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Validating on sfc0-re1 Checking compatibility with configuration Initializing... Using jbase-13.1-20121123_ib_13_1_psd.0 Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Using jbundle64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz Checking jbundle requirements on / Using jbase-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jbase-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using /var/validate/chroot/tmp/jbundle/jboot-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jcrypto64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jcrypto64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jdocs-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jdocs-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jkernel64-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jpfe-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jroute-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jroute-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jruntime64-13.1R1.0.tgz Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Verified jruntime64-13.1R1.0 signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Using jservices-13.1R1.0.tgz Using jservices-crypto-13.1R1.0.tgz Hardware Database regeneration succeeded Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz mgd: commit complete Validation succeeded Done with validate on all chassis lcc0-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall64' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ... lcc2-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ... lcc4-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ... lcc6-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ... lcc7-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ... sfc0-re1: Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz' ... Verified jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 Adding jinstall64... WARNING: The software that is being installed has limited support. WARNING: Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details. Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_13_1_0 WARNING: This package will load JUNOS 13.1R1.0 software. WARNING: It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys WARNING: (if configured), but erase all other files and information WARNING: stored on this machine. It will attempt to preserve dumps WARNING: and log files, but this can not be guaranteed. This is the WARNING: pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when WARNING: you reboot the system. Saving the config files ... NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install Installing the bootstrap installer ... WARNING: A REBOOT IS REQUIRED TO LOAD THIS SOFTWARE CORRECTLY. Use the WARNING: 'request system reboot' command when software installation is WARNING: complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system, WARNING: instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall' WARNING: command as soon as this operation completes. Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall64-13.1R1.0-domestic-signed.tgz ... Saving state for rollback ...
For more information on the request system software add command, see the Junos OS Operational Mode Commands.
Loading Software on the Backup Routing Engines
To start running the newly installed Junos OS on all the backup Routing Engines in the routing matrix, you must reboot those Routing Engines. The Routing Engines reboot from the boot device on which the software was just installed. Each reboot operation can take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
![]() | Note: This is your last chance to abort the upgrade of the Junos OS on the backup Routing Engines. If you want to abort the software upgrade, do not reboot the backup Routing Engines. If you choose to abort the software upgrade, you can remove the new Junos OS package or bundle from the router by issuing the request system software delete operational command and specifying the jinstall command. |
To start running the new Junos OS on the backup Routing Engines:
- To reboot all the backup Routing Engines (re1), issue the request system reboot operational command at the backup Routing Engine one the SFC.
At the warning message and prompt, type yes to allow the command to proceed:
root@sfc0_alt_ret> request system reboot
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes Rebooting lcc0-re1 Rebooting lcc2-re1 Rebooting lcc4-re1 Rebooting lcc6-re1 Rebooting lcc7-re1 *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@sankhye1 *** System going down IMMEDIATELY Shutdown NOW! Reboot consistency check bypassed - jinstall 13.1R1.0 will complete installation upon reboot [pid 43031]
All of the backup Routing Engines (re1) in the routing matrix reboot from the boot devices on which the software was just installed, which loads the new Junos OS. Each reboot operation can take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
When the backup Routing Engine on the SFC (sfc0-re1) finishes rebooting, the management console attached to the backup Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus router displays the login prompt.
- Log in to the SFC backup Routing Engine (sfc0-re1) and issue the show version command to verify the version
of the software installed:
root@sfc0_alt_re> show version
sfc0-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: sfc0_alt_re Model: txp JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc0-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc0_alt_re Model: t4000 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc2-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc2_alt_re Model: t1600 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc4-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc4_alt_re Model: t4000 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc6-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc6_alt_re Model: t1600 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc7-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc7_alt_re Model: t1600 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0]
Switching Routing Engine Mastership to the Backup Routing Engines
The new Junos OS is now running on all the backup Routing Engines (re1) in the routing matrix. Next, you must install and load the same new software on the master Routing Engines (re0) of the routing matrix.
While the Junos OS is being upgraded (installed and then loaded), the Routing Engine on which you are performing the software upgrade does not route traffic. Therefore, to minimize disruption to network operation, you need to temporarily switch Routing Engine mastership over to the backup Routing Engines (re1), which are now running the new version of Junos OS.
To switch Routing Engine mastership over to the backup Routing Engines:
At a management console attached to the master Routing Engine (re0) on the SFC, log in to the Junos OS CLI using a root administration account:
login: root Password: ••••••••• --- JUNOS 13.1R1.0 built 2012-11-28 20:11:58 UTC
- At the shell prompt (%), start the Junos OS CLI:
- To transfer Routing Engine mastership to the backup Routing
Engine (re1) for all routers in the routing matrix, issue
the request chassis routing-engine master command with the switch and all-chassis options.
Caution: Switching Routing Engine mastership causes traffic to be disrupted.
At the warning message and prompt, type yes to allow the command to proceed:
root@sfc0> request chassis routing-engine master switch all-chassis
warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Toggle mastership between routing engines ? [yes,no] (no) yes lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
- To verify that the default backup
Routing Engines (installed in slot 1) are now operating the elected master Routing Engines, issue the show chassis routing-engine command
at the TX Matrix Plus router:
root@sfc0> show chassis routing-engine sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... 0.02 0.07 0.11 Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Backup Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Master Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated...
The default backup Routing Engines (re1), which are now running the new version of Junos OS, are temporarily operating as the elected master Routing Engines. This enables you to avoid disruption to network operation while you install and load the new version of Junos OS on the default master Routing Engines (re0) .
Installing Software on the New Default Master Routing Engines
To install the new version of Junos OS on the new default master Routing Engines (re0) in the routing matrix, issue the request system software add operational command at the default master Routing Engine (re0 in this procedure) of the SFC, and specify the new Junos OS image file.
![]() | Note: The default backup Routing Engines (re1), which are now running the new version of Junos OS, are operating as the elected master Routing Engines. This enables you to avoid disruption to network operation while you install and load the new version of Junos OS on the default master Routing Engines (re0). |
The following example of the request system software add command is truncated, but the command output is similar to the output displayed when you installed the new software on the default backup Routing Engines:
root@sfc0> request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall64-13.1R1.1-domestic-signed.tgz
Pushing bundle to lcc0-re0 Pushing bundle to lcc2-re0 Pushing bundle to lcc4-re0 Pushing bundle to lcc6-re0 Pushing bundle to lcc7-re0 ...output_truncated...
Loading Software on the New Default Master Routing Engines
To start running the newly installed Junos OS on all the default master Routing Engines in the routing matrix, you must reboot those Routing Engines. The Routing Engines reboot from the boot device on which the software was just installed. Each reboot operation can take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
![]() | Note: This is your last chance to abort the upgrade of the Junos OS on the default master Routing Engines. If you want to abort the software upgrade, do not reboot the default master Routing Engines. However, aborting the software upgrade procedure at this point this is not recommend, because the default backup routing Engines are already running the new Junos OS. If you choose to abort the software upgrade, you can remove the new Junos OS package or bundle from the router by issuing the request system software delete operational command and specifying the jinstall command. |
To start running the new Junos OS on the default master Routing Engines:
- To reboot all the default master Routing Engines (re0), issue the request system reboot operational command at the TX Matrix Plus
At the warning message and prompt, type yes to allow the command to proceed:
root@sfc0> request system reboot Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes Rebooting lcc0-re0 Rebooting lcc2-re0 Rebooting lcc4-re0 Rebooting lcc6-re0 Rebooting lcc7-re0 *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@sankhye *** System going down IMMEDIATELY Shutdown NOW! Reboot consistency check bypassed - jinstall64 13.1R1.0 will complete installation upon reboot [pid 43105]
All of the default master Routing Engines (re0) in the routing matrix reboot from the boot devices on which the software was just installed, which loads the new Junos OS. Each reboot operation can take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
When the default master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus router (sfc0-re0) finishes rebooting, the management console attached to the default master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus router displays the login prompt.
var/pdb/profile_db initialized Profile database initialized Local package initialization:. kern.securelevel: -1 -> 1 starting local daemons:. Fri Nov 30 14:11:00 PDT 2012 login:
The new version of Junos OS is loaded and running on the new default master Routing Engines
- At a management console attached to the new default master
Routing Engine (re1) on the SFC, log in to the Junos OS CLI
using a root administration account:
Fri Nov 30 14:11:00 PDT 2012 login: root Password: ••••••••• --- JUNOS 13.1R1.2 built 2012-11-30 14:11:54 UTC
- Issue the show version command to verify the
version of the software installed:
root@sfc0> show version sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: sfc0 Model: txp JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc0 Model: t4000 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc2 Model: t1600JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc4 Model: t4000 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc6 Model: t1600 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostname: mylcc7 Model: t1600 JUNOS Base OS boot [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Kernel Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (T-Series) [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Online Documentation [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services AACL Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Application Level Gateways [13.1R1.0] JUNOS AppId Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Border Gateway Function package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Captive Portal and Content Delivery Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services HTTP Content Management package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS IDP Services [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Jflow Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services LL-PDF Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services MobileNext Software package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Mobile Subscriber Service Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services NAT [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services PTSP Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services RPM [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Stateful Firewall [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Voice Services Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Example Container package [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services Crypto [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services SSL [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Services IPSec [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS Routing Software Suite [13.1R1.0] JUNOS 64-bit Runtime Software Suite [13.1R1.0]
Optional: Switching Routing Engine Mastership Back to the Default Master Routing Engines
The default backup Routing Engines (re1) are still operating as the elected master Routing Engines while the default master Routing Engines (re0) are operating as the elected backup Routing Engines.
To avoid confusion about which Routing Engine in any router is the master and which is the backup, you should switch the Routing Engine mastership assignment back to the original designations (with the re0 Routing Engines operating as the master Routing Engines and the re1 Routing Engines operating as the backup Routing Engines).
![]() | Note: Switching Routing Engine mastership causes traffic to be disrupted. However, if you need to avoid another disruption to traffic while the Routing Engine mastership is switched on all the routers, you can skip this task. |
To switch Routing Engine mastership back to the default master Routing Engine (re0) on all routers in the routing matrix:
- Transfer Routing Engine mastership to the backup Routing
Engine (re1) for all routers in the routing matrix. To do
this, issue the request chassis routing-engine master command and specify the switch and all-chassis options.
At the warning message and prompt, type yes to allow the command to proceed:
root@sfc0> request chassis routing-engine master switch all-chassis warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Toggle mastership between routing engines ? [yes,no] (no) yes lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Resolving mastership... Complete. The local routing engine becomes the master. lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Command aborted. Not ready for mastership switch, try after 47 secs. lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Command aborted. Not ready for mastership switch, try after 19 secs. lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Command aborted. Not ready for mastership switch, try after 53 secs. lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Command aborted. Not ready for mastership switch, try after 45 secs. sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning: Traffic will be interrupted while the PFE is re-initialized Command aborted. Not ready for mastership switch, try after 97 secs.
- Verify that Routing Engine mastership has indeed switched
back to the default master Routing Engines (re0) in the routing
matrix. To display Routing Engine mastership information, issue the show chassis routing-engine command at the SFC:
root@sfc0> show chassis routing-engine sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated... lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Engine status: Slot 0: Current state Master Election priority Master (default) ...output_truncated... Routing Engine status: Slot 1: Current state Backup Election priority Backup (default) ...output_truncated...
Restoring the Original Configuration
After you have installed the new Junos OS and are satisfied that it is running properly on all Routing Engines, restore the routing matrix to the original configuration (that existed before you deleted it at the beginning of this procedure) and then back up the configuration change.
To restore the previous configuration and then create a configuration backup, perform the following steps at the master Routing Engine of the SFC:
- Restore the routing matrix configuration that existed
before you deleted it at the start of this procedure:
{master} root@sfc0-re0> configure Entering configuration mode {master} root@sfc0# rollback 1 load complete
- Commit the configuration changes on all Routing Engines,
which activates the original configuration, and then return to operational
{master} root@sfc0-re0# commit synchronize and-quit sfc0-re0: configuration check succeeds lcc0-re0: commit complete lcc0-re1: commit complete lcc2-re1: commit complete lcc2-re0: commit complete lcc4-re1: commit complete lcc4-re0: commit complete lcc6-re1: commit complete lcc6-re0: commit complete lcc7-re1: commit complete lcc7-re0: commit complete sfc0-re1: commit complete sfc0-re0: commit complete {master} root@sfc0-re0>
Backing Up the Routing Engines
Back up the currently running and active file system partitions on each Routing Engine to standby partitions that are not running. Specifically, the root file system (/) is backed up to /altroot, and /config is backed up to /altconfig. The root and /config file systems are on each Routing Engine's flash drive, and the /altroot and /altconfig file systems are on Routing Engine's hard drive.
![]() | Caution: After you run the request system snapshot command, you cannot return to the previous version of the software, because the running and backup copies of the software are identical. |
To back up the Routing Engines of the routing matrix:
- To back up the master Routing Engines (re0) in
the routing matrix, issue the request system snapshot command.
The following example shows sample output for backing up the master Routing Engines:
{master} root@sfc0-re0> request system snapshot sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config ---(more)--- lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config
- To transfer Routing Engine mastership back to the default
backup Routing Engines, issue the request chassis routing-engine command with the switch and all-chassis options.
Caution: Switching Routing Engine mastership causes traffic to be disrupted.
At the warning message and prompt, type yes to allow the operation to proceed
{master} root@sfc0-re0> request chassis routing-engine master switch all-chassis Toggle mastership between routing engines ? [yes,no] (no) yes lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc4-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc6-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. lcc7-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master. sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolving mastership... Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
- To back up the backup Routing Engines (re1),
issue the request system snapshot operational command at
the backup Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus router.
The following examples shows sample command output for backing up the backup Routing Engines:
{master} root@sfc0-re1> request system snapshot lcc0-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (381MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc2-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc4-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config ---(more)--- lcc6-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config lcc7-re1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying compatibility of destination media partitions... Running newfs (3GB) on hard-disk media / partition (ad1s1a)... Running newfs (382MB) on hard-disk media /config partition (ad1s1e)... Copying '/dev/ad0s1a' to '/dev/ad1s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes) Copying '/dev/ad0s1e' to '/dev/ad1s1e' .. (this may take a few minutes) The following filesystems were archived: / /config
Related Documentation
- T Series
- Overview of a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router
- Roadmap for Configuring the Routing Matrix
- Example Configuration for the Routing Matrix
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient Disk Space
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient DRAM
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Mixed Software
Published: 2013-07-30
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- T Series
- Overview of a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router
- Roadmap for Configuring the Routing Matrix
- Example Configuration for the Routing Matrix
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient Disk Space
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Insufficient DRAM
- Troubleshooting: Upgrade Failure Due to Mixed Software