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Creating SNMPv3 Users

For each SNMPv3 user, you can specify the username, authentication type, authentication password, privacy type, and privacy password. After a user enters a password, a key based on the engine ID and password is generated and is written to the configuration file. After the generation of the key, the password is deleted from this configuration file.

Note: You can configure only one encryption type for each SNMPv3 user.

To create users, include the user statement at the [edit snmp v3 usm local-engine] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp v3 usm local-engine]user username;

username is the name that identifies the SNMPv3 user.

To configure user authentication and encryption, include the following statements at the [edit snmp v3 usm local-engine user username] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp v3 usm local-engine user username]
authentication-md5 {authentication-password authentication-password;}
authentication-sha {authentication-password authentication-password;}
privacy-aes128 {privacy-password privacy-password;}
privacy-des {privacy-password privacy-password;}
privacy-3des {privacy-password privacy-password;}

Published: 2014-07-23