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Minimum SNMPv3 Configuration on a Device Running Junos OS

To configure the minimum requirements for SNMPv3, include the following statements at the [edit snmp v3] and [edit snmp] hierarchy levels:

Note: You must configure at least one view (notify, read, or write) at the [edit snmp view-name] hierarchy level.

[edit snmp]
view view-name {oid object-identifier (include | exclude);}
[edit snmp v3]
notify name {tag tag-name;}
notify-filter profile-name {oid object-identifier (include | exclude);}
snmp-community community-index {security-name security-name;}
target-address target-address-name {address address;target-parameters target-parameters-name;}
target-parameters target-parameters-name {notify-filter profile-name;parameters {message-processing-model (v1 | v2c | v3);security-level (authentication | none | privacy);security-model (usm | v1 | v2c);security-name security-name;}}
usm {local-engine {user username {}}}
vacm {access {group group-name {(default-context-prefix | context-prefix context-prefix){security-model (any | usm | v1 | v2c) {security-level (authentication | none | privacy) {notify-view view-name;read-view view-name;write-view view-name;}}}}}security-to-group {security-model (usm | v1 | v2c) {security-name security-name {group group-name;}}}}

Related Documentation


Published: 2014-07-23


Related Documentation


Published: 2014-07-23