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Configuring SONET/SDH Interface Speed

To configure the speed of SONET/SDH interfaces in concatenated mode:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level, where the interface-name is so-fpc/pic/port.
    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port
  2. Configure interface speed in concatenated mode.

    For example, each port of 4-port OC12 PIC can be configured to be in OC3 or OC12 speed independently when this PIC is in 4xOC12 concatenated mode.

    [edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set speed (oc3 | oc12 | oc48)

To configure the speed of SONET/SDH interfaces in nonconcatenated mode:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level, where the interface-name is so-fpc/pic/port.
    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port
  2. Configure interface speed in nonconcatenated mode.

    For example, each port of 4-port OC12 PIC can be configured to be in OC3 or OC12 speed independently when this PIC is in 4xOC12 concatenated mode.

    [edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set speed (oc3 | oc12)

To configure the PIC to operate in channelized (multiplexed) mode:

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number] hierarchy level.
    [edit]user@host# [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number]
  2. Configure the no-concatenate option.
    [edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set no-concatenate

Note: On SONET/SDH OC3/STM1 (Multi-Rate) MIC with SFP, Channelized SONET/SDH OC3/STM1 (Multi-Rate) MIC with SFP, and Channelized OC3/STM1 (Multi-Rate) Circuit Emulation MIC with SFP, you cannot set the interface speed at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level. To enable the speed on these MICs, you need to set the port speed at the [edit chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number port port-number] hierarchy level.

For more information about using the non-concatenate statement, see the Junos OS Administration Library for Routing Devices.

Published: 2013-07-31