Configuring SONET/SDH Physical Interface Properties
You can configure SONET/SDH physical interface options to accomplish various tasks.
This topic includes the following tasks:
- Configuring SONET/SDH Physical Interface Options
- Configuring SONET/SDH Interface-Specific Options
- Configuring MPLS Option for Passive Monitoring
- Configuring Automatic Protection Switching Options
Configuring SONET/SDH Physical Interface Options
To configure the SONET/SDH physical interface options:
- In configuration mode, go to the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level, where the interface-name is so-fpc/pic/port.[edit]user@host# edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port
- Configure the framing mode in SONET mode or SDH mode.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set framing (sonet | sdh)
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Framing Mode .
- Configure the virtual tributary mapping standard as either
International Telephony Union standard (itu-t) or KLM standard
(klm). Here, the KLM standard is set by default.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set vt (itu-t | klm)
For more information, see Configuring Virtual Tributary Mapping.
- Configure an incrementing STM ID rather than a static
one in the SDH overhead with the z0-increment. Note that
you should include this option only for SDH mode. You can explicitly
disable incrementing of the STM ID with the no-z0-increment option.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set z0-increment | no-z0-increment
For more information, see Configuring an Incrementing STM ID.
- Configure the interface speed with the oc3 | oc12 | oc48 option when the PIC is in concatenated mode and configure
the speed with oc3 | oc12 option when the PIC is in non-concatenated
mode.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# set speed (oc3 | oc12 | oc48)
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Interface Speed.
Configuring SONET/SDH Interface-Specific Options
To configure the SONET/SDH interface-specific options:
- Configure the sonet-options statement.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port]user@host# edit sonet-options
For more information, see sonet-options.
- Configure the aggregated SONET/SDH logical interface number
from 0 through 15.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set aggregate asx
For more information, see aggregate.
- Configure the bytes option to set values in
some SONET/SDH header bytes. You can configure this option with c2 value, e1-quiet value f1 value, f2 value, s1 value, z3 value, and z4 value.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set bytes c2 valueuser@host# set bytes e1-quiet valueuser@host# set bytes f1 valueuser@host# set bytes f2 valueuser@host# set bytes s1 valueuser@host# set bytes z3 valueuser@host# set bytes z4 value
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Header Byte Values.
- Configure the frame checksum (FCS) on the interface as
either 16-bit frame checksum or 32-bit frame checksum.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set fcs (16 | 32)
For more information, see Configuring the SONET/SDH Frame Checksum.
- Configure a loopback connection. To turn off the loopback
capability, remove the loopback statement from the configuration.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set loopback (local | payload | remote)
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Loopback Capability.
- Configure a path trace identifier, which is a text string
that identifies the circuit. The text string that identifies the circuit.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set path-trace trace-string
For more information, see Configuring the SONET/SDH Path Trace Identifier.
- Configure HDLC scrambling which provides better link stability.
You can enable HDLC scrambling with payload-scrambler option
and disable it with no-payload-scrambler option.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set payload-scrambleruser@host# set no-payload-scrambler
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH HDLC Payload Scrambling.
- Configure the rfc-2615 option to enable features
described in RFC 2615, PPP over SONET/SDH.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set rfc-2615
For more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH RFC 2615 Support.
- Configure SONET/SDH defect triggers as either ignore or
hold time.
The defect triggers can be ignored. By default all SONET/SDH defect triggers are honored if you do not include the trigger defect ignore statement.
You can apply up and down hold times to SONET/SDH defect trigger. If you do not include the trigger defect hold-time statement, when a defect is detected the interface is marked down immediately and when the defect becomes absent the interface is marked up immediately.
[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# set trigger defect ignoreuser@host# set trigger defect hold-time up milliseconds down millisecondsFor more information, see Configuring SONET/SDH Defect Triggers.
Configuring MPLS Option for Passive Monitoring
To configure the MPLS options for passive monitoring:
- Configure the mpls option to process incoming
IP packets that have MPLS labels for passive monitoring on ATM and
SONET/SDH interfaces and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces in WAN PHY
mode.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# edit mpls
For more information, see mpls.
- Configure the pop-all-labels option to remove
up to two MPLS labels from incoming IP packets in passive monitoring.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options mpls]user@host# set pop-all-labels
For more information, see pop-all-labels.
- Configure the required-depth option as either 1 or 2 in the pop-all-labels statement to specify the number of MPLS labels
an incoming packet must have for the pop-all-labels statement to take
If you include the required-depth 1 statement, the pop-all-labels statement takes effect for incoming packets with one label only.
If you include the required-depth 2 statement, the pop-all-labels statement takes effect for incoming packets with two labels only.
[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options mpls pop-all-labels]user@host# set required-depthFor more information, see required-depth.
Configuring Automatic Protection Switching Options
To configure Automatic Protection Switching (APS) options:
- Configure the Automatic Protection Switching option.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]user@host# edit aps
For more information, see Configuring Basic Automatic Protect Switching.
- Configure the APS interval at which the protect and working
routers send packets to their neighbors to advertise that they are
operational. A router considers its neighbor to be operational for
a period, called the hold time, that is, by default, three times the
advertisement interval. You can set the APS interval from 1 through
65,534 millisecond. By default, 1000 milliseconds is set as advertise
interval.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set advertise-interval milliseconds
For more information, see Configuring APS Timers.
- Configure the annex-b option for Multiplex
Section Protection (MSP) switching on SDH interfaces for M320 and
M120 routers only.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set annex-b
For more information, see Configuring Annex B Option.
- Configure the Automatic Protection Switching (APS) authentication
key (password).[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set authentication-key key
For more information, see authentication-key.
- Configure the fast-aps-switch option to reduce
the Automatic Protection Switching (APS) switchover time in Layer
2 circuits in M320 routers with Channelized OC3/STM1 Circuit Emulation
PIC with SFP only.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set fast-aps-switch
For more information, see fast-aps-switch.
- Configure the force option to either protect
mode or working mode to perform a forced switch between the protect
and working circuits. This statement is honored only if there are
no higher-priority reasons to switch. It can be overridden by a signal
failure on the protect circuit, thus causing a switch to the working
circuit.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set force (protect | working)
For more information, see force.
- Configure the hold-time value in milliseconds
to determine whether a neighbor APS router is operational where the
hold-time value ranges from 1 through 65,354 milliseconds. By default,
3000 milliseconds (3 times the advertisement interval) is set as hold
time.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set hold-time milliseconds
For more information, see hold-time.
- Configure a lockout of protection, forcing the use of
the working circuit and locking out the protect circuit regardless
of anything else.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set lockout
For more information, see lockout.
- Configure the address of the remote interface when you
are configuring one router to be the working router and a second to
be the protect router. You can configure this on one or both of the
interfaces.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set neighbor address
For more information, see neighbor.
- Configure load sharing between two working protect circuit
pairs where circuit’s group name is as configured with the protect-circuit or working-circuit statement.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set paired-group group-name
For more information, see Configuring APS Load Sharing.
- Configure link state replication with preserve-interface option[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set preserve-interface
For more information, see Configuring Link PIC Redundancy.
- Configure the protect router in an APS circuit pair. When
the working interface fails, APS brings up the protection circuit
and the traffic is moved to the protection circuit.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set protect-circuit group-name
For more information, see protect-circuit.
- Configure the request option as protect circuit
or working circuit to perform a manual switch between the protect
and working circuits. This statement is honored only if there are
no higher-priority reasons to switch.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set request (protect | working)
For more information, see Configuring Switching Between the Working and Protect Circuits.
- Configure APS revertive mode in seconds ranging from 1
through 65,535 seconds which denotes the time to wait after the working
circuit has again become functional before making the working circuit
active again. By default, APS operates in nonrevertive mode.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set revert-time seconds
For more information, see Configuring Revertive Mode.
- Configure the interface in bidirectional mode or in unidirectional
mode. By default, if the switching-mode statement is not
configured, the mode is bidirectional, and the interface does not
interoperate with a unidirectional SONET/SDH LTE.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set switching-mode (bidirectional | unidirectional)
For more information, see Configuring Switching Mode.
- Configure the working router in an APS circuit pair.[edit interfaces so-fpc/pic/port sonet-options aps]user@host# set working-circuit group-name
For more information, see working-circuit.