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Performing an In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)

You can use an in-service software upgrade to upgrade the software running on the switch with minimal traffic disruption during the upgrade.

Note: ISSU is supported in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 and later on QFX5100 switches, and in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D25 and later on EX4600 switches.

This topic covers:

  1. Preparing the Switch for Software Installation
  2. Upgrading the Software Using ISSU

Preparing the Switch for Software Installation

Before you begin software installation using ISSU:

Note: Before you perform an in-service software upgrade, if applicable, remove the set system internet-options no-tcp-reset drop-all-tcp command from the configuration, otherwise the upgrade will fail and an error message will be displayed.

  • Ensure that nonstop active routing (NSR) and nonstop bridging (NSB) are enabled. If enabled, disable graceful restart (GR), because NSR and GR cannot be enabled simultaneously. NSB and GR enable NSB-supported Layer 2 protocols to synchronize protocol information between the master and backup Routing Engines.

    If nonstop active routing is not enabled (Stateful Replication is Disabled), see Configuring Nonstop Active Routing on Switches for information on how to enable it.

  • Enable nonstop bridging (NSB). See Configuring Nonstop Bridging on Switches (CLI Procedure) for information on how to enable it.
  • (Optional) Back up the system software—Junos OS, the active configuration, and log files—on the switch to an external storage device with the request system snapshot command.

Upgrading the Software Using ISSU

This procedure describes how to upgrade the software running on a standalone switch:

Note: If the Host OS software needs to be updated, you cannot perform an ISSU. Instead, perform a standard software upgrade.

To upgrade the switch using ISSU:

  1. Download the software package by following the procedure in the Downloading Software Files with a Browser section in Upgrading Software.
  2. Copy the software package or packages to the switch. We recommend that you copy the file to the /var/tmp directory.
  3. Log in to the console connection. Using a console connection allows you to monitor the progress of the upgrade.
  4. Start the ISSU:

    Note: During the upgrade, you will not be able to access the Junos OS CLI.

    The switch displays status messages similar to the following messages as the upgrade executes:

    warning: Do NOT use /user during ISSU. Changes to /user during ISSU may get lost!
    ISSU: Validating Image
    ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
    Prepare for ISSU
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    Extracting jinstall-qfx-5-13.2X51-D15.4-domestic ...
    Install jinstall-qfx-5-13.2X51-D15.4-domestic completed
    Spawning the backup RE
    Spawn backup RE, index 0 successful
    GRES in progress
    GRES done in 0 seconds
    Waiting for backup RE switchover ready
    GRES operational
    Copying home directories
    Copying home directories successful
    Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
    Chassis ISSU Started
    ISSU: Preparing Daemons
    ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
    ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
    ISSU: FPC Warm Booting
    ISSU: FPC Warm Booted
    ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
    ISSU: Ready for Switchover
    Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
      Item           Status                  Reason
      FPC 0          Online (ISSU)        
    Send ISSU done to chassisd on backup RE
    Chassis ISSU Completed
    Initiate em0 device handoff

    Note: An ISSU might stop instead of abort if the FPC is at the warm boot stage. Also, any links that go down and up will not be detected during a warm boot of the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE).

    Note: If the ISSU process stops, you can look at the log files to diagnose the problem. The log files are located at /var/log/vjunos-log.tgz.

  5. Log in after the reboot of the switch completes. To verify that the software has been upgraded, enter the following command:
    user@switch> show version
  6. Disable nonstop active routing (NSR) and enable graceful restart (GR).

    See Configuring Nonstop Active Routing on Switches for more information.

Modified: 2015-11-04