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Performing a Unified ISSU

You can perform a unified ISSU in one of three ways:

  1. Upgrading and Rebooting Both Routing Engines Automatically
  2. Upgrading Both Routing Engines and Rebooting the New Backup Routing Engine Manually
  3. Upgrading and Rebooting Only One Routing Engine

Upgrading and Rebooting Both Routing Engines Automatically

When you issue the request system software in-service-upgrade command with the reboot option, the system automatically upgrades both Routing Engines to the newer software and reboots both Routing Engines. This option enables you to complete the unified ISSU with a single command.

To perform a unified ISSU using the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name reboot command, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the software package from the Juniper Networks Support website, Choose the Canada and U.S., Worldwide, or Junos-FIPS edition. Place the package on a local server. To download the package, you must have a service contract and an access account. If you do not have an access account, complete the registration form at the Juniper Networks website:
  2. Copy the package to the router. We recommend that you copy it to the /var/tmp directory, which is a large file system on the hard disk.
    user@host>file copy
  3. To verify the current software version running on both Routing Engines, on the master Routing Engine issue the show version invoke-on all-routing-engines command. The following example shows that both Routing Engines are running an image of Junos OS, Release 9.0, that was built on December 11, 2007:
    user@host> show version invoke-on all-routing-engines
    Hostname: host
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite 9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    Hostname: host1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20071211.20]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
  4. On the master Routing Engine, issue the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name reboot command. The following example upgrades the current version to an image of Junos OS, Release 9.0, that was built on January 14, 2008:
    user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz reboot
    ISSU: Validating Image
    PIC 0/3 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
    Do you want to continue with these actions being taken ? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
    Pushing bundle to re1
    Checking compatibility with configuration
    Using jbase-9.0-20080114.2
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz
    Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz
    Using jbundle-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz
    Checking jbundle requirements on /
    Using jbase-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jkernel-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jcrypto-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jpfe-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Using jdocs-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jroute-9.0-20080114.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
    Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
    mgd: commit complete
    Validation succeeded
    Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
    Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Adding jinstall...
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 9.0-20080114.2 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
    Installing the bootstrap installer ...
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
    Saving state for rollback ...
    Backup upgrade done
    Rebooting Backup RE
    Rebooting re1
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    Waiting for Backup RE reboot
    GRES operational
    Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
    Chassis ISSU started
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    ISSU: Preparing Daemons
    ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
    ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
    ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
    ISSU: Ready for Switchover
    Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
      Item           Status                  Reason
      FPC 0          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 1          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 2          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 6          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 7          Online (ISSU)        
    Resolving mastership...
    Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
    ISSU: RE switchover Done
    ISSU: Upgrading Old Master RE
    Installing package '/var/tmp/paKEuy' ...
    Verified jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Adding jinstall...
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 9.0-20080114.2 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
    Installing the bootstrap installer ...
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0-20080114.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
    cp: /var/tmp/paKEuy is a directory (not copied).
    Saving state for rollback ...
    ISSU: Old Master Upgrade Done
    Shutdown NOW!
    Reboot consistency check bypassed - jinstall 9.0-20080114.2 will complete installation upon reboot
    [pid 30227]
    *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@host ***
    System going down IMMEDIATELY
    Connection to host closed.

    When the new backup (old master) Routing Engine is rebooted, you are logged out from the router.

  5. After waiting a few minutes, log in to the router again. You are logged in to the new backup Routing Engine (re0). To verify that both Routing Engines have been upgraded, issue the following command:
    user@host> show version invoke-on all-routing-engines
    Hostname: host
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite 9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    Hostname: host1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20080114.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20080114.2]
  6. To make re0 the master Routing Engine, issue the following command:
    user@host> request chassis routing-engine master acquire
    Attempt to become the master routing engine ? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Resolving mastership...
    Complete. The local routing engine becomes the master.
  7. Issue the request system snapshot command on each Routing Engine to back up the system software to the router’s hard disk.

    Note: The root file system is backed up to /altroot, and /config is backed up to /altconfig. After you issue the request system snapshot command, the router’s flash and hard disks are identical. You can return to the previous version of the software only by booting the router from removable media.

Upgrading Both Routing Engines and Rebooting the New Backup Routing Engine Manually

When you issue the request system software in-service-upgrade command without any options, the system upgrades and reboots the new master Routing Engine to the newer software. The new software is placed on the new backup (old master) Routing Engine; however, to complete the upgrade, you must issue the request system reboot command on the new backup Routing Engine.

To perform a unified ISSU using the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name command without any options, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the software package from the Juniper Networks Support website, Choose the Canada and U.S., Worldwide, or Junos-FIPS edition. Place the package on a local server. To download the package, you must have a service contract and an access account. If you do not have an access account, complete the registration form at the Juniper Networks website:
  2. Copy the package to the router. We recommend that you copy it to the /var/tmp directory, which is a large file system on the hard disk.
    user@host>file copy
  3. To verify the current software version running on both Routing Engines, on the master Routing Engine, issue the show version invoke-on all-routing-engines command. The following example shows that both Routing Engines are running Junos OS Release 9.0R1:
    user@host> show version invoke-on all-routing-engines
    Hostname: host
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1]
    Hostname: host1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1]
  4. On the master Routing Engine, issue the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name command. The following example upgrades the current version to Junos OS Release 9.0R1.2:
    user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic-signed.tgz
    ISSU: Validating Image
    FPC 4 will be offlined (In-Service-Upgrade not supported)
    Do you want to continue with these actions being taken ? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
    Pushing bundle to re1
    Checking compatibility with configuration
    Using jbase-9.0-20080117.0
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic-signed.tgz
    Verified jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic.tgz
    Using jbundle-9.0R1.2-domestic.tgz
    Checking jbundle requirements on /
    Using jbase-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jkernel-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jcrypto-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jpfe-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Using jdocs-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jroute-9.0R1.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
    Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
    mgd: commit complete
    Validation succeeded
    Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
    Verified jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Adding jinstall...
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 9.0R1.2 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
    Installing the bootstrap installer ...
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
    Saving state for rollback ...
    Backup upgrade done
    Rebooting Backup RE
    Rebooting re1
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    Waiting for Backup RE reboot
    GRES operational
    Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
    Chassis ISSU started
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    ISSU: Preparing Daemons
    ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
    ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
    ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
    ISSU: Ready for Switchover
    Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
      Item           Status                  Reason
      FPC 0          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 1          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 2          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 3          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 4          Offline                 Offlined by cli command
      FPC 5          Online (ISSU)        
    Resolving mastership...
    Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
    ISSU: RE switchover Done
    ISSU: Upgrading Old Master RE
    Installing package '/var/tmp/paeBi5' ...
    Verified jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Adding jinstall...
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 9.0R1.2 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
    Installing the bootstrap installer ...
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0R1.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
    cp: /var/tmp/paeBi5 is a directory (not copied).
    Saving state for rollback ...
    ISSU: Old Master Upgrade Done
  5. Issue the show version invoke-on all-routing-engines command to verify that the new backup (old master) Routing Engine (re0), is still running the previous software image, while the new master Routing Engine (re1) is running the new software image:
    user@host> show version
    Hostname: user
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1]
    labpkg [7.0]
    JUNOS Installation Software [9.0R1.2]
    Hostname: user1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
  6. At this point, if you choose not to install the newer software version on the new backup Routing Engine (re1), you can issue the request system software delete jinstall command on it. Otherwise, to complete the upgrade, go to the next step.
  7. Reboot the new backup Routing Engine (re0) by issuing the request system reboot command:
    user@host> request system reboot
    Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Shutdown NOW!
    Reboot consistency check bypassed - jinstall 9.0R1.2 will complete installation upon reboot
    [pid 6170]
    System going down IMMEDIATELY
    Connection to host closed by remote host.
    Connection to host closed.

    If you are not on the console port, you are disconnected from the router session.

  8. After waiting a few minutes, log in to the router again. You are logged in to the new backup Routing Engine (re0). To verify that both Routing Engines have been upgraded, issue the following command:
    user@host> show version invoke-on all-routing-engines
    Hostname: host
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    Hostname: host1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0R1.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0R1.2]
  9. To make re0 the master Routing Engine, issue the following command:
    user@host> request chassis routing-engine master acquire
    Attempt to become the master routing engine ? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Resolving mastership...
    Complete. The local routing engine becomes the master.
  10. Issue the request system snapshot command on each Routing Engine to back up the system software to the router’s hard disk.

    Note: The root file system is backed up to /altroot, and /config is backed up to /altconfig. After you issue the request system snapshot command, the router’s flash and hard disks are identical. You can return to the previous version of the software only by booting the router from removable media.

Upgrading and Rebooting Only One Routing Engine

When you issue the request system software in-service-upgrade command with the no-old-master-upgrade option, the system upgrades and reboots only the new master Routing Engine. To upgrade the new backup (former master) Routing Engine, you must issue the request system software add command.

To perform a unified ISSU using the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name no-old-master-upgrade commands, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the software package from the Juniper Networks Support website, Choose the Canada and U.S., Worldwide, or Junos-FIPS edition. Place the package on a local server. To download the package, you must have a service contract and an access account. If you do not have an access account, complete the registration form at the Juniper Networks website:
  2. Copy the package to the router. We recommend that you copy it to the /var/tmp directory, which is a large file system on the hard disk.
    user@host>file copy
  3. To verify the current software version running on both Routing Engines, on the master Routing Engine issue the show version invoke-on all-routing-engines command. The following example shows that both Routing Engines are running an image of Junos OS Release 9.0 that was built on December 11, 2007:
    user@host> show version invoke-on all-routing-engines
    Hostname: host
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite 9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    Hostname: host1
    Model: m320
    JUNOS Base OS boot [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Base OS Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Kernel Software Suite [9.0-20071211.20]
    JUNOS Crypto Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M/T Common) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Packet Forwarding Engine Support (M320) [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [9.0-20071211.2]
    JUNOS Routing Software Suite [9.0-20071211.2]
  4. On the master Routing Engine, issue the request system software in-service-upgrade package-name no-old-master-upgrade command. The following example upgrades the current version to an image of Junos OS Release 9.0 that was built on January 16, 2008:
    user@host> request system software in-service-upgrade /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic-signed.tgz no-old-master-upgrade
    ISSU: Validating Image
    ISSU: Preparing Backup RE
    Pushing bundle to re1
    Checking compatibility with configuration
    Using jbase-9.0-20080116.2
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic-signed.tgz
    Verified jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic.tgz
    Using jbundle-9.0-20080116.2-domestic.tgz
    Checking jbundle requirements on /
    Using jbase-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jkernel-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jcrypto-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jpfe-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Using jdocs-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Using jroute-9.0-20080116.2.tgz
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Hardware Database regeneration succeeded
    Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
    mgd: commit complete
    Validation succeeded
    Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
    Verified jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    Adding jinstall...
    Verified manifest signed by PackageProduction_9_0_0
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 9.0-20080116.2 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    NOTICE: uncommitted changes have been saved in /var/db/config/juniper.conf.pre-install
    Installing the bootstrap installer ...
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic-signed.tgz ...
    Saving state for rollback ...
    Backup upgrade done
    Rebooting Backup RE
    Rebooting re1
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    Waiting for Backup RE reboot
    GRES operational
    Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade
    Chassis ISSU started
    ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done
    ISSU: Preparing Daemons
    ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU
    ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs
    ISSU: Preparing for Switchover
    ISSU: Ready for Switchover
    Checking In-Service-Upgrade status
      Item           Status                  Reason
      FPC 0          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 1          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 2          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 3          Online (ISSU)        
      FPC 5          Online (ISSU)        
    Resolving mastership...
    Complete. The other routing engine becomes the master.
    ISSU: RE switchover Done
    Skipping Old Master Upgrade
  5. You are now logged in to the new backup (old master Routing Engine). If you want to install the new software version on the new backup Routing Engine, issue the request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall-9.0-20080116.2-domestic-signed.tgz command.

Published: 2013-08-28