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Verifying That MVRP Is Working Correctly


After configuring your switch to participate in MVRP, verify that the configuration is properly set and that MVRP messages are being sent and received on your switch.


  1. Confirm that MVRP is enabled on your switch.
    user@switch> show mvrp
    Global MVRP configuration 
      MVRP status               : Enabled
      MVRP dynamic vlan creation: Enabled        
      MVRP Timers (ms):
       Interface        Join   Leave   LeaveAll
       --------------   ----   -----   --------
       all              200    600     10000
       xe-0/1/1.0       200    600     10000 
      Interface based configuration:
       Interface        Status     Registration   Dynamic VLAN Creation    
       --------------   --------   ------------   --------------------- 
       all		        Disabled   Fixed	         Enabled
       xe-0/1/1.0       Enabled    Normal         Enabled
  2. Confirm that MVRP messages are being sent and received on your switch.
    user@switch> show mvrp statistics interface xe-0/1/1.0
    MVRP statistics
      MRPDU received                : 3342   
      Invalid PDU received          : 0      
      New received                  : 2      
      Join Empty received           : 1116   
      Join In received              : 2219   
      Empty received                : 2      
      In received                   : 2      
      Leave received                : 1      
      LeaveAll received             : 1117   
      MRPDU transmitted             : 3280   
      MRPDU transmit failures       : 0      
      New transmitted               : 0      
      Join Empty transmitted        : 1114   
      Join In transmitted           : 2163   
      Empty transmitted             : 1      
      In transmitted                : 1      
      Leave transmitted             : 1      
      LeaveAll transmitted          : 1111  


The output of show mvrp shows that interface xe-0/1/1.0 is enabled for MVRP participation as shown in the status in the Interface based configuration field.

The output for show mvrp statistics interface xe-0/1/1.0 confirms that MVRP messages are being transmitted and received on the interface.

Note: You can identify an MVRP compatibility issue on EX Series switches by looking at the output from this command. If Join Empty received and Join In received incorrectly display zero, even though the value for MRPDU received has been increased, you are probably running different versions of Junos OS, including Release 11.3, on the switches in this network. Another indication that MVRP is having a version problem is that unexpected VLAN activity, such as multiple VLAN creation, takes place on the switch running the earlier release version. To remedy these problems, see Configuring Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) (CLI Procedure).

Published: 2014-04-28