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show mvrp


show mvrp

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.


Display Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) configuration information.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show mvrp

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show mvrp command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show mvrp Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Global MVRP configuration

Displays global MVRP information:

  • MVRP status—Displays whether MVRP is Enabled or Disabled.
  • MVRP dynamic vlan creation—Displays whether global MVRP dynamic VLAN creation is Dnabled or Disabled.

MVRP Timers (ms)

Displays MVRP timer information:

  • Interface—The interface on which MVRP is configured.
  • Join—The maximum number of milliseconds the interfaces must wait before sending VLAN advertisements.
  • Leave—The number of milliseconds an interface must wait after receiving a Leave message to remove the interface from the VLAN specified in the message.
  • LeaveAll—The interval at which LeaveAll messages are sent on interfaces. LeaveAll messages maintain current MVRP VLAN membership information in the network.

Interface based configuration

Displays interface-specific MVRP information:

  • Interface—The interface on which MVRP is configured.
  • Status—Displays whether MVRP is Enabled or Disabled.
  • Registration—Displays whether registration for the interface is Forbidden or Normal.
  • Dynamic VLAN Creation—Displays whether interface dynamic VLAN creation is Enabled or Disabled.

Sample Output

show mvrp

user@switch> show mvrp
Global MVRP configuration 
  MVRP status               : Enabled
  MVRP dynamic vlan creation: Enabled        
  MVRP Timers (ms):
   Interface        Join   Leave   LeaveAll
   --------------   ----   -----   --------
   all              200    600     10000
   xe-0/1/1.0       200    600     10000 

  Interface based configuration:
   Interface        Status     Registration   Dynamic VLAN Creation    
   --------------   --------   ------------   --------------------- 
   all				   Disabled   Normal			 Enabled
   xe-0/1/1.0		   Enabled    Normal         Enabled

Published: 2014-04-23