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Clearing Lockout of PPPoE Subscriber Sessions


Clear the lockout condition for the PPPoE subscriber session associated with a unique MAC source address.


  • To clear the lockout condition for PPPoE subscriber sessions associated with all MAC source addresses on all underlying interfaces:
  • To clear the lockout condition for the PPPoE subscriber session associated with the specified MAC source address:
    user@host> clear pppoe lockout mac-address mac-address
  • To clear the lockout condition for all PPPoE subscriber sessions on the specified underlying interface:
    user@host> clear pppoe lockout underlying-interfaces underlying-interface-name
  • To clear the lockout condition for the PPPoE subscriber session associated with the specified MAC source address on the specified underlying interface:
    user@host> clear pppoe lockout mac-address mac-address underlying-interfaces underlying-interface-name
  • To verify that the lockout condition has been cleared:

Published: 2013-07-31