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Tracing Operations of the Interface Process

To trace the operations of the router or switch interface process, dcd, include the traceoptions statement at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces]
traceoptions {file <filename> <files number> <match regular-expression> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <disable>;no-remote-trace;}

By default, interface process operations are placed in the file named dcd and three 1-MB files of tracing information are maintained.

You can specify the following flags in the interfaces traceoptions statement:

  • change-events—Log changes that produce configuration events.
  • config-states—Log the configuration state machine changes.
  • kernel—Log configuration IPC messages to kernel.
  • kernel-detail—Log details of configuration messages to kernel.

For general information about tracing, see the tracing and logging information in the Junos OS Administration Library for Routing Devices.

Published: 2014-04-25