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Configuring VRF Route Targets for Routing Instances for an MBGP MVPN

By default, the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) import and export route targets (configured either using VRF import and export policies or using the vrf-target statement) are used for importing and exporting routes with the MBGP MVPN network layer reachability information (NLRI).

You can use the export-target and import-target statements to override the default VRF import and export route targets. Export and import targets can also be specified specifically for sender sites or receiver sites, or can be borrowed from a configured unicast route target. Note that a sender site export route target is always advertised when security association routes are exported.

Note: When you configure an MBGP MVPN routing instance, you should not configure a target value for an MBGP MVPN specific route target that is identical to a target value for a unicast route target configured in another routing instance.

Specifying route targets in the MBGP MVPN NLRI for sender and receiver sites is useful when there is a mix of sender only, receiver only, and sender and receiver sites. A sender site route target is used for exporting automatic discovery routes by a sender site and for importing automatic discovery routes by a receiver site. A receiver site route target is used for exporting routes by a receiver site and importing routes by a sender site. A sender and receiver site exports and imports routes with both route targets.

A provider edge (PE) router with sites in a specific MBGP MVPN must determine whether a received automatic discovery route is from a sender site or receiver site based on the following:

  • If the PE router is configured to be only in a sender site, route targets are imported only from receiver sites. Imported automatic discovery routes must be from a receiver site.
  • If the PE router is configured to be only in a receiver site, route targets are imported only from sender sites. Imported automatic discovery routes must be from a sender site.
  • If a PE router is configured to be in both sender sites and receiver sites, these guidelines apply:

    • Along with an import route target, you can optionally configure whether the route target is from a receiver or a sender site.
    • If a configuration is not provided, an imported automatic discovery route is treated as belonging to both the sender site set and the receiver site set.

To configure a route target for the MBGP MVPN routing instance, include the route-target statement:

route-target {export-target {target target-community;unicast;}import-target {target {target-value;receiver target-value;sender target-value;}unicast {receiver;sender;}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn]

The following sections describes how to configure the export target and the import target for an MBGP MVPN:

Configuring the Export Target for an MBGP MVPN

To configure an export target, include the export-target statement:

export-target {target target-community;unicast;}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route target]

Configure the target option to specify the export target community. Configure the unicast option to use the same target community that has been specified for unicast.

Configuring the Import Target for an MBGP MVPN

To configure an import target, include the import-target statement:

import-target {target target-value {receiver;sender;}unicast {receiver;sender;}}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target]

The following sections describe how to configure the import target and unicast parameters:

Configuring the Import Target Receiver and Sender for an MBGP MVPN

To configure the import target community, include the target statement and specify the target community. The target community must by in the format target:x:y. The x value is either an IP address or an AS number followed by an optional L to indicate a 4 byte AS number, and y is a number (for example, target:123456L:100)

target target-value {receiver;sender;}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target import-target]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target import-target]

You can specify the target community used when importing either receiver site sets or sender site sets by including one of the following statements:

  • receiver—Specify the target community used when importing receiver site sets.
  • sender—Specify the target community used when importing sender site sets.

Configuring the Import Target Unicast Parameters for an MBGP MVPN

To configure a unicast target community as the import target, include the unicast statement:

unicast {receiver;sender;}

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

  • [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target import-target]
  • [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols mvpn route-target import-target]

You can specify the unicast target community used when importing either receiver site sets or sender site sets by including one of the following statements:

  • receiver—Specify the unicast target community used when importing receiver site sets.
  • sender—Specify the unicast target community used when importing sender site sets.

Published: 2013-08-28

Published: 2013-08-28