[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Verifying That Q-in-Q Tunneling Is Working


After creating a Q-in-Q VLAN, verify that it is set up properly.


  1. Use the show configuration vlans command to determine if you successfully created the primary and secondary VLAN configurations:

    user@switch> show configuration vlans
    svlan {
       vlan-id 300;
       dot1q-tunneling {
          customer-vlans [ 101–200 ];
  2. Use the show vlans command to view VLAN information and link status:

    user@switch> show vlans s-vlan-name extensive
    VLAN: svlan, Created at: Thu Oct 23 16:53:20 2008
    802.1Q Tag: 300, Internal index: 2, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static
    Dot1q Tunneling Status: Enabled
    Customer VLAN ranges:
    Protocol: Port Mode
    Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 (Active = 0), Untagged  1 (Active = 0)
          ge-0/0/1, tagged, trunk
          ge-0/0/2, untagged, access


The output confirms that Q-in-Q tunnling is enabled and that the VLAN is tagged, and lists the customer VLANs that are associated with the tagged VLAN.

Published: 2009-07-22

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