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인터페이스 제어

date_range 19-Jan-25

섀시, CoS(Class of Service), 그룹, 포워딩 옵션 및 인터페이스 구성 정보를 볼 수 있습니다. , [edit class-of-service], [edit groups][edit forwarding-options][edit interfaces] 계층 수준에서 구성을 [edit chassis]편집할 수 있습니다.


연결된 CLI 명령이 없습니다.

구성 계층 수준

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit accounting-options]
[edit chassis]
[edit class-of-service]
[edit class-of-service interfaces]
[edit dynamic-profiles class-of-service]
[edit dynamic-profiles class-of-service interfaces]
[edit dynamic-profiles interfaces]
[edit dynamic-profiles routing-instances instance system services dhcp-local-server]
[edit dynamic-profiles routing-instances instance system services static-subscribers group]
[edit forwarding-options]
[edit interfaces]
[edit jnx-example]
[edit logical-systems forwarding-options]
[edit logical-systems interfaces]
[edit logical-systems routing-instances instance system services dhcp-local-server]
[edit logical-systems routing-instances instance system services static-subscribers group]
[edit logical-systems system services dhcp-local-server]
[edit logical-systems system services static-subscribers group]
[edit routing-instances instance system services dhcp-local-server]
[edit routing-instances instance system services static-subscribers group]
[edit services logging]
[edit services radius-flow-tap]
[edit services radius-flow-tap interfaces]
[edit system services dhcp-local-server]
[edit system services static-subscribers group]