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Adding a RADIUS Server for Authentication

You can use the Users Quick Configuration page for RADIUS servers to configure a RADIUS server for system authentication. This Quick Configuration page allows you to specify the IP address and secret (password) of the RADIUS server.

Figure 4 shows the Users Quick Configuration page for RADIUS servers.

Figure 4: Users Quick Configuration Page for RADIUS Servers

Image s030241.gif

To configure a RADIUS server with Quick Configuration:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>Quick Configuration>Users.
  2. Under RADIUS servers, click Add to configure a RADIUS server.
  3. Enter information into the Users Quick Configuration page for RADIUS servers, as described in Table 37.
  4. Click one of the following buttons on the Users Quick Configuration page for RADIUS servers:

Table 37: Users Quick Configuration for RADIUS Servers Summary



Your Action


RADIUS Server Address (required)

Identifies the IP address of the RADIUS server.

Type the RADIUS server’s 32-bit IP address, in dotted decimal notation.

RADIUS Server Secret (required)

The secret (password) of the RADIUS server.

Type the secret (password) of the RADIUS server. Secrets can contain spaces. The secret used must match that used by the RADIUS server.

Verify RADIUS Server Secret (required)

Verifies the secret (password) of the RADIUS server is entered correctly.

Retype the secret of the RADIUS server.

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