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Checking Active Alarms

The alarm information includes alarm type, alarm severity, and a brief description for each active alarm on the device. To view the active alarms, select Alarms in the J-Web interface, or enter the following CLI show commands:

Note: If a device has active alarms and you have not displayed the View Alarms page, Alarms in the taskbar appears in red. After you view the alarms, Alarms returns to white. If new alarms become active, Alarms is red until you again display the View Alarms page.

Figure 23 shows the View Alarms summary page. Click an alarm in the list of active alarms to display a detailed alarm message.

Figure 23: J-Web View Alarms Summary Page

Image s030252.gif

Table 173 summarizes the output fields on the alarms page.

Table 173: Summary of Key Alarm Output Fields



Additional Information

Alarm Summary


Viewed status of the alarm—either Yes (a new alarm) or No (a previously viewed alarm).

After you have once displayed the View Alarms page, any new alarms that appear on the page during the same J-Web session are identified as previously viewed.

Received at

Date and time when the alarm condition was detected.



Alarm severity—either major (red) or minor (yellow).

A major (red) alarm condition requires immediate action. A minor (yellow) condition requires monitoring or maintenance.


Brief synopsis of the alarm.

Clicking the alarm subject displays a detailed alarm message.

Detailed Alarm Message

Received at

Date and time when the failure was detected.



Alarm severity—either major (red) or minor (yellow).

A major (red) alarm condition requires immediate action. A minor (yellow) condition requires monitoring or maintenance.

Alarm Type

Category of the alarm:

  • Chassis—Indicates an alarm condition on the chassis (typically an environmental alarm such as temperature)
  • Configuration—Indicates that no rescue configuration is set
  • ETHER—Indicates an alarm condition on an Ethernet interface
  • DS3—Indicates an alarm condition on a DS3 interface
  • License—Indicates a software license infringement
  • Serial—Indicates an alarm condition on a serial interface
  • Services—Indicates an alarm condition on the services module

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