Navigate to the Forwarding-options level in the configuration
hierarchy, and select the interface on which to configure the BootP/DHCP
relay agent information.
In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>Quick Configuration>DHCP>BootP/DHCP
Relay Agent..
From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter
set forwarding-options helpers bootp
Enable the DHCP relay agent to relay bootp/DHCP messages to
BootP server.
Select the DHCP relay agent check box to enable the BootP/DHCP
relay agent.
Enable the DHCP relay agent:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp relay agent-option
Enable VPN encryption to allow client requests to pass through
the VPN tunnel.
Select the VPN encryption check box.
Enable VPN encryption to allow client requests to pass through
VPN tunnel:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp vpn
Define the IP time-to-live value to be set in responses to client—for
example, 20.
The range is 1—255.
In the Client response TTL box, type20.
Set the IP time-to-live value to be set in responses to client
to 20:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp client-response-ttl
Define the maximum number of hops allowed per packet—for
example, 10.
The range is 4—16.
In the Maximum hop count box, type 10.
Set the maximum number of hops allowed per packet to 10:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp maximum-hop-count number
Define the minimum number of seconds before requests are forwarded—for
example, 300.
The range is 0—30000 seconds.
In the Minimum wait time box, type 300.
Set the minimum number of seconds before requests are forwarded
to 300:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp minimum-wait-time seconds
Define the text description of the server.
The value is a string.
In the Description box, type the description of the server.
Set the description of the server:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp description text
Define a valid server name or address to the server to forward.
The value is an IPv4 address.
- Next to Sever, click Add new Entry.
- Next to the Name box, type
Set the server name:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp server
Define the routing instance. The value is a nonreserved text
string of 128 characters or less.
- Next to Routing instance, click Add new entry.
- In the Name box, type rt-i-1 and click OK.
A routing instance is optional.
Set the routing instance:
set forwarding-options helpers bootp server routing instance
Define the incoming BootP/DHCP request forwarding interface—for
example, ge-0/0/0.
- Next to Routing instance, click Add new entry.
- In the Interface name box, type ge-0/0/0.
- Click OK until you return to the Configuration
Set the incoming BootP/DHCP request forwarding interface to
set forwarding-options helpers bootp interface ge-0/0/0