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Directing RPM Probes to Select BGP Routers

If a device has a large number of BGP neighbors configured, you can direct (filter) the RPM probes to a selected group of BGP neighbors rather than to all the neighbors. To identify the BGP routers to receive RPM probes, you can configure routing instances.

The sample RPM configuration in Table 232 sends RPM probes to the BGP neighbors in routing instance R1.

To direct RPM probes to select BGP neighbors:

  1. Navigate to the top of the configuration hierarchy in either the J-Web or CLI configuration editor.
  2. Perform the configuration tasks described in Table 232.
  3. If you are finished configuring the device, commit the configuration.
  4. To verify the configuration, see Verifying an RPM Configuration.

Table 232: Directing RPM Probes to Select BGP Routers


J-Web Configuration Editor

CLI Configuration Editor

Navigate to the Services>RPM>BGP level in the configuration hierarchy.

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View and Edit>Edit Configuration.
  2. Next to Services, click Configure or Edit.
  3. Next to Rpm, select the Yes check box and click Configure or Edit.
  4. Next to Bgp, click Configure or Edit.

From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter

edit services rpm bgp

Configure routing instance RI1 to send RPM probes to BGP neighbors within the routing instance.

  1. Next to Routing instances, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Routing instance name box, type RI1.
  3. Click OK.


set routing-instances RI1

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