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Filtering Command Output

For operational commands that display output, such as the show commands, you can redirect the output into a filter or a file. When you display help about these commands, one of the options listed is |, called a pipe, which allows you to filter the command output.

For example, if you enter the show configuration command, the complete device configuration is displayed on the screen. To limit the display to only those lines of the configuration that contain address, issue the show configuration command using a pipe into the match filter:

user@host> show configuration | match address
                     address-range low high; address-range low high;  address; address; address; 

For a complete list of the filters, type a command, followed by the pipe, followed by a question mark (?):

user@host> show configuration | ?
Possible completions:   compare              Compare configuration changes with prior version   count                Count occurrences   display              Show additional kinds of information   except               Show only text that does not match a pattern   find                 Search for first occurrence of pattern   hold                 Hold text without exiting the --More-- prompt   last                 Display end of output only   match                Show only text that matches a pattern   no-more              Don't paginate output   request              Make system-level requests   resolve              Resolve IP addresses   save                 Save output text to file   trim                 Trim specified number of columns from start of line

You can specify complex expressions as an option for the match and except filters. For more information about command output filtering and creating match expressions, see the JUNOS CLI User Guide.

Note: To filter the output of configuration mode commands, use the filter commands provided for the operational mode commands. In configuration mode, an additional filter is supported. See the JUNOS CLI User Guide.

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