(SRX-series devices only) Displays device system
properties, such as the system identification and uptime, users, and
resource usage.
For details, see Monitoring System Properties.
show system uptime
show system users
show system storage
show system processes
(J-series devices only) Displays device system
properties, such as the system identification and uptime, users, and
resource usage.
For details, see Monitoring System Properties.
show system uptime
show system users
show system storage
show system processes
Displays active chassis alarms, environment and hardware information,
and status of Physical Interface Modules (PIMs).
For details, see Monitoring the Chassis.
show chassis alarms
show chassis environment
show chassis fpc
show chassis hardware
Hierarchically displays all device physical and logical interfaces,
including state and configuration information.
For details, see Monitoring the Interfaces.
show interfaces terse
show interfaces detail
show interfaces interface-name
Displays routing information through the following options:
- Route Information—Information about the routes in
a routing table, including destination, protocol, state, and parameter
information. You can narrow the list of routes displayed by specifying
search criteria.
- OSPF Information—Summary of OSPF neighbors, interfaces,
and statistics.
- BGP Information—Summary of BGP routing and neighbor
- RIP Information—Summary of RIP neighbors and statistics.
For details, see Monitoring Routing Information.
- Route information
show route terse
show route detail
- OSPF information
show ospf neighbors
show ospf interfaces
show ospf statistics
- BGP information
show bgp summary
show bgp neighbor
- RIP information
show rip statistics
show rip neighbors
Class of Service (CoS)
Displays information about the performance of class of service
on a device through the following options:
- Interfaces—Displays the physical and logical interfaces
in the system and provides details about the CoS components assigned
to these interfaces.
- Classifiers—Displays the forwarding classes and
loss priorities that incoming packets are assigned to based on the
packet's CoS values.
- CoS Value Aliases—Displays the CoS value aliases
that the system is using to represent Differentiated Services code
point (DSCP), DSCP IPv6, MPLS experimental (EXP), and IPv4 precedence
- RED Drop Profiles—Displays detailed information
about the drop profiles used by the system. Also, displays a graph
of the random early detection (RED) curve that the system uses to
determine the queue fullness and drop probability.
- Forwarding Classes—Displays the assignment of forwarding
classes to queue numbers.
- Rewrite Rules—Displays packet CoS value rewrite
rules based on the forwarding classes and loss priorities.
- Scheduler Maps—Displays the assignment of forwarding
classes to schedulers. Schedulers include transmit rate, rate limit,
and buffer size.
For details, see Monitoring Class-of-Service Performance.
- Interfaces—show class-of-service interface
- Classifiers—show class-of-service classifier
- CoS value aliases—show class-of-service code-point-aliases
- RED drop profiles—show class-of-service drop-profile
- Forwarding classes—show class-of-service forwarding-class
- Rewrite rules—show class-of-service rewrite-rule
- Scheduler maps—show class-of-service scheduler-map
Displays information about MPLS label-switched paths (LSPs)
and virtual private networks (VPNs) through the following options:
- Interfaces—Information about the interfaces on which
MPLS is enabled, including operational state and any administrative
groups applied to an interface.
- LSP Information—Information about LSP sessions currently
active on the device, including inbound (ingress) and outbound (egress)
addresses, LSP state, and LSP name.
- LSP Statistics—Statistics for LSP sessions currently
active on the device, including the total number of packets and bytes
forwarded through an LSP.
- RSVP Sessions—Information about RSVP-signaled LSP
sessions currently active on the device, including inbound (ingress)
and outbound (egress) addresses, LSP state, and LSP name.
- RSVP Interfaces—Information about the interfaces
on which RSVP is enabled, including the interface name, total bandwidth
through the interface, and total current reserved and reservable (available)
bandwidth on the interface.
For details, see Monitoring MPLS Traffic Engineering Information.
- Interfaces—show mpls interface
- LSP information—show mpls lsp
- LSP statistics—show mpls lsp statistics
- RSVP sessions—show rsvp session
- RSVP interfaces—show rsvp interface
Displays probe results for all real-time performance monitoring
(RPM) probes configured on the device, including the
round-trip times, jitter, and loss percentages of probes sent. Additionally,
the RPM monitoring page displays a graph that plots the probe results
as a function of time.
For details, see Monitoring RPM Probes.
show services rpm probe-results
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
Displays the following PPPoE information:
- PPPoE Interfaces—Session-specific information about
the interfaces on which PPPoE is enabled.
- PPPoE Statistics—Statistics for PPPoE sessions currently
- PPPoE Version—Information about the PPPoE protocol
currently configured on the device.
For details, see Monitoring PPPoE.
- PPPoE interfaces—show pppoe interfaces
- PPPoE statistics—show pppoe statistics
- PPPoE version—show pppoe version
Displays the following Application Layer Gateway (ALG) information:
- SIP—Displays security Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) ALG calls, counters, rate and transactions information.
- H323—Displays security H.323 ALG counters information.
- MGCP—Displays security Media Gateway Control Protocol
(MGCP) ALG calls, counters, and endpoints information.
- SCCP—Displays security Skinny Control Client Protocol
(SCCP) ALG calls, and counters information.
For details, see Monitoring ALGs.
- SIP information
show security alg sip calls detail
show security alg sip counters
show security alg sip rate
show security alg sip transactions
- H.323 information
show security alg h323 counters
- MGCP information
show security mgcp calls
show security mgcp counters
show security mgcp endpoints
- SCCP information
show security sccp calls
show security sccp counters
Security Policies
Displays a summary of all security policies configured on the
device. If a particular policy is specified, display information particular
to that policy.
For details, seeMonitoring Security Policies.
show security policies
show security policies policy-name policy-name
Displays the following VPN information:
- IKE Gateway—Displays Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
security association information and also display the detail information.
- IPsec VPN—Displays IP Security (IPsec) security
association and statistics information.
For details, see Monitoring VPNs.
- IKE Gateway information
show security ike security-associations
show security ike security-associations index index-id detail
- IPsec VPN information
show security ipsec security-associations
show security ipsec statistics
Firewall Authentication
Displays the following firewall authentication information:
- Authentication Table—Information about the list
of users and IP addresses currently authenticated by the device. Also,
details of the user at this source IP address and the user with this
identifying number.
- Firewall Authentication History—Information about
the history of users and their IP addresses authenticated by the device.
Also, details of this IP address and the authentication with this
identification number.
For details, see Monitoring Firewall Authentication.
- Authentication table information
show security firewall-authentication users
show security firewall-authentication users address ip-address
show security firewall-authentication users identifier identifier
- Firewall authentication history information
show security firewall-authentication history
show security firewall-authentication history address ip-address
show security firewall-authentication history identifier identifier
Displays the following firewall and Network Address Translation
(NAT) information:
- Incoming Table—Displays NAT table information.
- Interface NAT—Displays port usage for an interface
source pool for NAT.
- Source NAT—Displays information about the specified
NAT source address pool.
- Static NAT—Displays static NAT summary table information.
- Screen Counters—Displays security screen statistics
for specified zone.
- Flow Session Statistics—Displays information about
security flow session depending on the session filter options.
- Flow Gate Information—Displays information about
temporary openings known as pinholes or gates in the stateful firewall.
For details, see Monitoring Firewall/NAT.
- Incoming table—show security nat incoming-table
- Interface NAT information—show security nat
- Source NAT information
show security nat source-nat summary
show security nat source-nat pool pool-name
- Static NAT information—show security nat static-nat
- Screen counters—show security screen statistics
zone zone-name
- Flow session statistics information
show security flow session summary
show security flow session
show security flow session application application-name
show security flow session destination-port destination-port-number
show security flow session destination-prefix destination-prefix-number
show security flow session interface interface-name
show security flow session protocol protocol-name
show security flow session resource-manager
show security flow session session-identifier session-identifier-number
show security flow session source-port source-port-number
show security flow session source-prefix source-prefix-number
show security flow session tunnel
- Flow gate (pinhole) information—show security
flow gate
Displays the following Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
clients and server information:
- Statistics—Displays information about the global
scope and DHCP statistics.
- Binding—Displays information about client bindings.
- Conflicts—Displays information about the DHCP address
conflict statistics.
- Client—Displays information about the DHCP client.
- Relay Statistics—Displays information about the
DHCP relay statistics.
For details, see Monitoring DHCP.
- Statistics information
show system services dhcp global
show system services dhcp statistics
- Binding information—show system services dhcp
- Conflicts information—show system services dhcp
- Client information—show system services dhcp
- Relay statistics information—show system services
dhcp relay-statistics
Displays the following Domain Name Server (DNS) information.
- Dynamic DNS—Displays information about the configured
interface for any IP address changes and updates it to the dynamic
DNS server.
- DNS proxy—Displays information about DNS proxy statistics
and DNS proxy cache.
For details, see Monitoring DNS.
- Dynamic DNS—show system services dynamic-dns
client detail
- DNS proxy
show system services dns-proxy
show system services dns-proxy cache
Enhanced Switching
Displays the following switching protocol information:
- Spanning Tree —Displays status, information, and
statistics about Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) interface parameters.
- Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)—Displays
information and statistics about global GVRP interface parameters.
- Dot1X—Displays information about host authentication.
For details, see Monitoring Enhanced Switching.
- Spanning Tree
show spanning-tree interface
show spanning-tree bridge
- Dot1X
show dot1x interface
show dot1x authentication-failed-users
Displays the following Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP)
status and data plane memory statistics:
- IDP Status—Displays information about the status
of the IDP enabled.
- IDP Data Plane Memory Statistics—Displays information
about the IDP data plane memory usage statistics.
For details, see Monitoring IDP.
- IDP Status—show IDP status
- IDP Data Plane Memory Statistics—show IDP data
plane memory statistics