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Installing Software Upgrades Using the CLI

Note: This procedure applies only to upgrading one JUNOS software release to another or one JUNOS software with enhanced services release to another. To upgrade from the JUNOS software to JUNOS software with enhanced services, see the JUNOS Software with Enhanced Services Migration Guide.

To install software upgrades on a device with the CLI:

  1. Before installing the software upgrade, verify the available space on the compact flash. For information about verifying available compact flash space, see the JUNOS Software with Enhanced Services Release Notes.
  2. Download the software package as described in Downloading Software Upgrades from Juniper Networks.
  3. If you are installing the software package from a local directory on the device, copy the software package to the device. We recommend that you copy it to the /var/tmp directory.
  4. To install the new package on the device, enter the following command in operational mode in the CLI:

    Replace source with one of the following paths:

    By default, the request system software add command uses the validate option to validate the software package against the current configuration as a prerequisite to adding the software package. This validation ensures that the device can reboot successfully after the software package is installed. This is the default behavior when you are adding a software package.

    The unlink option removes the package at the earliest opportunity so that the device has enough storage capacity to complete the installation.

    (Optional) The no-copy option specifies that a software package is installed, but a copy of the package is not saved. Include this option if you do not have enough space on the compact flash to perform an upgrade that keeps a copy of the package on the device.

  5. After the software package is installed, reboot the device:

When the reboot is complete, the device displays the login prompt.

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