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Monitoring CoS Rewrite Rules

To display information about CoS value rewrite rules, which are based on the forwarding class and loss priority, select Monitor>Class of Service>Rewrite Rules in the J-Web interface, or enter the following CLI command:

show class-of-service rewrite-rules

Table 106 summarizes key output fields for CoS rewrite rules.

Table 106: Summary of Key CoS Rewrite Rules Output Fields



Additional Information

Rewrite Rule Name

Names of rewrite rules.


CoS Value Type

Rewrite rule type:

  • dscp—For IPv4 DiffServ traffic.
  • dscp-ipv6—For IPv6 DiffServ traffic.
  • exp—For MPLS traffic.
  • ieee-802.1—For Layer 2 traffic.
  • inet-precedence—For IPv4 traffic.

To display forwarding classes, loss priorities, and rewritten CoS values, click the plus sign (+).


Internal index for this particular rewrite rule.


Forwarding Class

Forwarding class that in combination with loss priority is used to determine CoS values for rewriting.

Rewrite rules are applied to CoS values in outgoing packets based on forwarding class and loss priority setting.

Loss Priority

Loss priority that in combination with forwarding class is used to determine CoS values for rewriting.


Rewrite CoS Value To

Value that the CoS value is rewritten to.


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