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Monitoring Firewall Authentication History

The firewall authentication history information is divided into multiple parts. To view information about the authentication history, select Monitor > Firewall Authentication > Firewall Authentication History in the J-Web interface. To view the detailed history of the authentication with this identifier, select the ID on the Firewall Authentication History page. To view a detailed authentication history of this source IP address, select the Source IP on the Firewall Authentication History page.

Alternatively, enter the following CLI show commands:

Table 129 summarizes key output fields in firewall authentication history display.

Table 129: Summary of Key Firewall Authentication History Output Fields



Additional Information

History of Firewall Authentication Data

Total authentications

Number of authentication.

History Table


Identification number.


Source Ip

IP address of the authentication source.


Start Date

Authentication date.


Start Time

Authentication time.



Authentication duration.



Status of authentication (success, or failure).



Name of the user.

Detail history of selected Id: ID

Authentication method

Path chosen for authentication.


Policy Id

Security policy identifier.


Source zone

Name of the source zone.


Destination Zone

Name of the destination zone.


Interface name

Name of the interface.


Bytes sent by this user

Number of packets in bytes sent by this user.


Bytes received by this user

Number of packets in bytes received by this user.



Name of the client group.

Detail history of selected Source Ip:Source Ip


Name of the user.


Start Date

Authentication date.


Start Time

Authentication time.



Authentication duration.



Status of authentication (success, or failure).



Name of the profile.


Authentication method

Path chosen for authentication.


Policy Id

Security policy identifier.


Source zone

Name of the source zone.


Destination Zone

Name of the destination zone.


Interface name

Name of the interface.


Bytes sent by this user

Number of packets in bytes sent by this user.


Bytes received by this user

Number of packets in bytes received by this user.



Name of the client group.


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