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Monitoring Flow Session Resource Manager

To view information about sessions created by the resource manager, select Monitor>Firewall/NAT>Flow Session Statistics in the J-Web interface. Then select resource manager from the Session Filter list and click Show. Alternatively, enter the following CLI command:

Table 142 summarizes key output fields in the flow session resource manager display.

Table 142: Summary of Key Flow Resource Manager Session Output Fields



Additional Information

Flow Session Statistics: session filter—resource manager

Session ID

Number that identifies the session. Use this ID to get more information about the session.


Policy name

Policy that permitted the traffic.



Idle timeout after which the session expires.


Resource information

Information about the session particular to the resource manager, including the name of the ALG, the group ID. and the resource ID.

Flow Session Statistics: Session ID


Incoming flow (source and destination IP addresses, application protocol, and interface).



Reverse flow (source and destination IP addresses, application protocol, and interface).


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