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Monitoring PPPoE

The PPPoE monitoring information is displayed in multiple parts. To display the session status for PPPoE interfaces, cumulative statistics for all PPPoE interfaces on the device, and the PPPoE version configured on the device, select Monitor>PPPoE in the J-Web interface.

To view interface-specific properties in the J-Web interface, select the interface name on the PPPoE page.

Alternatively, enter the following CLI commands:

Table 114 summarizes key output fields in PPPoE displays.

You can also view status information about the PPPoE interface by selecting Monitor>Interfaces>pp0. Alternatively, enter the show interfaces pp0 command. For more information about key output fields, see Monitoring the Interfaces.

Table 114: Summary of Key PPPoE Output Fields



Additional Information

PPPoE Interfaces


Name of the PPPoE interface.

(See the interface naming conventions in the JUNOS Software Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.)

Click the interface name to display PPPoE information for the interface.


State of the PPPoE session on the interface.


Session ID

Unique session identifier for the PPPoE session.

To establish a PPPoE session, first the device acting as a PPPoE client obtains the Ethernet address of the PPPoE server or access concentrator, and then the client and the server negotiate a unique session ID. This process is refereed as PPPoE active discovery and is made up of four steps: initiation, offer, request, and session confirmation. The access concentrator generates the session ID for session confirmation and sends it to the PPPoE client in a PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation (PADS) packet.

Service Name

Type of service required from the access concentrator.

Service Name identifies the type of service provided by the access concentrator, such as the name of the Internet service provider (ISP), class, or quality of service.

Configured AC Name

Configured access concentrator name.


Session AC Names

Name of the access concentrator.


AC MAC Address

Media access control (MAC) address of the access concentrator.


Session Uptime

Number of seconds the current PPPoE session has been running.


Auto-Reconnect Timeout

Number of seconds to wait before reconnecting after a PPPoE session is terminated.


Idle Timeout

Number of seconds a PPPoE session can be idle without disconnecting.


Underlying Interface

Name of the underlying logical Ethernet or ATM interface on which PPPoE is running—for example, ge-0/0/0.1.

PPPoE Statistics

Active PPPoE Sessions

Total number of active PPPoE sessions.


Packet Type

Packets sent and received during the PPPoE session, categorized by packet type and packet error:

  • PADI—PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation packets.
  • PADO—PPPoE Active Discovery Offer packets.
  • PADR—PPPoE Active Discovery Request packets.
  • PADS—PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation packets.
  • PADT—PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate packets.
  • Service Name Error—Packets for which the Service-Name request could not be honored.
  • AC System Error—Packets for which the access concentrator experienced an error in processing the host request. For example, the host had insufficient resources to create a virtual circuit.
  • Generic Error—Packets that indicate an unrecoverable error occurred.
  • Malformed Packet—Malformed or short packets that caused the packet handler to disregard the frame as unreadable.
  • Unknown Packet—Unrecognized packets.


Number of the specific type of packet sent from the PPPoE client.



Number of the specific type of packet received by the PPPoE client.



Information about the timeouts that occurred during the PPPoE session.

  • PADI—Number of timeouts that occurred for the PADI packet.
  • PADO—Number of timeouts that occurred for the PADO packet. (This value is always 0 and is not supported.
  • PADR—Number of timeouts that occurred for the PADR packet.


Number of the timeouts that occurred for PADI, PADO, and PADR packets.

PPPoE Version

Maximum Sessions

Maximum number of active PPPoE sessions the device can support. The default is 256 sessions.


PADI Resend Timeout

Initial time, (in seconds) the device waits to receive a PADO packet for the PADI packet sent—for example, 2 seconds. This timeout doubles for each successive PADI packet sent.

The PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) packet is sent to the access concentrator to initiate a PPPoE session. Typically, the access concentrator responds to a PADI packet with a PPPoE Active Discovery Offer (PADO) packet. If the access concentrator does not send a PADO packet, the device sends the PADI packet again after timeout period is elapsed. The PADI Resend Timeout doubles for each successive PADI packet sent. For example, if the PADI Resend Timeout is 2 seconds, the second PADI packet is sent after 2 seconds, the third after 4 seconds, the fourth after 8 seconds, and so on.

PADR Resend Timeout

Initial time (in seconds) the device waits to receive a PADS packet for the PADR packet sent. This timeout doubles for each successive PADR packet sent.

The PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR) packet is sent to the access concentrator in response to a PADO packet, and to obtain the PPPoE session ID. Typically, the access concentrator responds to a PADR packet with a PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation (PADS) packet, which contains the session ID. If the access concentrator does not send a PADS packet, the device sends the PADR packet again after the PADR Resend Timeout period is elapsed. The PADR Resend Timeout doubles for each successive PADR packet sent.

Maximum Resend Timeout

Maximum value (in seconds) that the PADI or PADR resend timer can accept—for example, 64 seconds. The maximum value is 64.


Maximum Configured AC Timeout

Time (in seconds), within which the configured access concentrator must respond.


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