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Monitoring System Properties

The system properties include everything from the name and IP address of the device to the resource usage on the Routing Engine.

To view these system properties, select Monitor>Dashboard (SRX-series devices) or Monitor>System (J-series devices) in the J-Web interface.

Note: The J-Web GUI interface framework used on the SRX-series devices is based on panes. Each pane acts a separate frame that can be viewed, dragged, minimized, maximized, or hidden. The J-Web user interface has eight panes such as System identification, Resource utilization, Security resources, System alarms, File usage, Login sessions, Chassis status, and Storage usage.

Only the first three panes are displayed by default. To view the other system properties, click the Preferences icon at top right corner of the page. You can also set the refresh time interval for automatically updating the data on the system properties.

Alternatively, you can view system properties by entering the following show commands in the CLI configuration editor:

Table 89 through Table 94 summarize key output fields in the system properties displays.

Table 89: System Identification—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information

System Identification

Serial Number

Serial number for the device.


Host Name

Hostname of the device, as defined with the set system hostname command.


Software Version

Release version of the JUNOS software running on the device.


System Up Time

The time when the system was last booted, in days and hours.


System Time

Current system time, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Table 90: System Health—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information


CPU usages by all processes, expressed as a percentage of total CPU available.

Note: On SRX series services gateway, the capacity of the device is determined by the total number of Security Processing Units (SPUs) installed in the device.

Top 5 CPU-Consuming Processes

Process ID

Process identifier.

This is the PID field in the show system processes command output.

Process Owner

Name of the process owner.


Process Name

Command that is currently running.

Individual processes on the device are listed here. Because each process within JUNOS operates in a protected memory environment, you can diagnose whether a particular process is consuming an abnormal amount of resources.

If a software process is using too much CPU or memory, you can restart the process by entering the restart command from the CLI.

CPU Usage

Percentage of the CPU that is being used by the process.

Note: On SRX series services gateway, the CPU and memory utilizations are done by monitoring the FPC card within the SPU units.

Show complete process information

Select to display the software processes running on the device. See Table 94.


Percentage of the installed RAM being used by all processes.


Process ID

Process identifier.

This is the PID field in the show system processes command output.

Process Owner

Name of the process owner.


Process Name

Command that is currently running.

Individual processes on the device are listed here. Because each process within JUNOS operates in a protected memory environment, you can diagnose whether a particular process is consuming an abnormal amount of resources.

If a software process is using too much CPU or memory, you can restart the process by entering the restart command from the CLI.

Memory Usage

Percentage of the installed RAM that is being used by the process.


Show complete process information

Select to display the software processes running on the device. See Table 94.


Percentage of space used for a particular compact flash.

Storage usage table displays the used space per media type. For example:

  • Compact flash
  • USB
Storage Usage


Type of memory device.



Total size, in megabytes, of the primary memory device.



Total usable memory, in megabytes, of the primary memory device.

The total usable memory is the total memory minus the size of the JUNOS image installed on the device.


Total memory used, in megabytes and as a percentage of the total usable memory size, of the primary memory device.



Percentage of the memory that is being used by the process.

File System Usage

File Type

Type of log files on the device.



Size, in kilobytes, of the files on the device.


Log Files

Total size, in kilobytes, of the log files on the device.

This is the sum of file sizes in the /var/log directory.

Temporary Files

Total size, in kilobytes, of the temporary files on the device.

This is the sum of the file sizes in the /var/tmp directory.

Crash (Core) Files

Total size, in kilobytes, of the core files on the device.

This is the sum of the file sizes in the /var/crash directory.

Database Files

Total size, in kilobytes, of the configuration database files on the device.

This is the sum of the file sizes in the /var/db directory.

Chassis Status

Status of the device chassis:

  • OK (green)—Normal operation
  • Failure (red)—Failed
Chassis Component Temperature


Chassis component. For J-series devices, the chassis components are the Routing Engine and the fans.


Gauge Status

Status of the temperature gauge on the specified hardware comzponent.



Temperature of the air flowing past the hardware component.

Chassis Fan Status


Chassis component. For J-series devices, the chassis components are the Routing Engine, the Physical Interface Module (PIM) slot number (identified in the display as an FPC), and the PIM number (identified in the display as a PIC).

On J-series devices, an FPC and a PIM are the same physical unit. The PIM number is always 0.


Status of the fans that are regulated by JUNOS software with enhanced services:

  • OK
  • Testing (when the device is powered on)
  • Failed
  • Absent

Fan Speed

Speed of the fans: normal or high speed.

Speed is adjusted automatically according to the current temperature.

Chassis Power Supplies


Chassis component. For J-series devices, the chassis components are the Routing Engine, the Physical Interface Module (PIM) slot number (identified in the display as an FPC), and the PIM number (identified in the display as a PIC).

On J-series devices, an FPC and a PIM are the same physical unit. The PIM number is always 0.

Power Supply Status

Status of the power supply.



Temperature of the air passing by the PIM, in degrees Celsius or in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.


Table 91: Key Elements Monitoring—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information

Resource Utilization


Total number of device resources present on the device.


Link Up

Services link is up.

The link between the device and its services module is available.

Link Down

Services link is down.

The link between the device and its services module is unavailable.


Link to the page that monitors the interfaces present on the device.

Click the link to display the page. For a description, see Monitoring the Interfaces.

Security Resources


Maximum number of security resources available on the device.



Number of security resources configured.



Number of configured security resources that are activated.



Links to related monitor pages. Click the link to display the page.


Table 92: Login Sessions—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information

Active User Count

Total number of users currently logged into the device.

This number also includes users logged in through the J-Web interface.


Username of any user logged into the device.



Terminal through which the user is logged in.



System from which the user has logged in. A hyphen indicates that the user is logged in through the console.


Login Time

Time when the user logged in.

This is the LOGIN@ field in show system users command output.

Idle Time

How long the user has been idle.



Processes that the user is running.

This is the WHAT field in show system users command output.

Table 93: System Most Recent Alarms—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information

System Active Alarms

Total number of active alarms logged on the device.

Most Recent System Alarms

Received At

Date and time when the alarm condition was detected.



Alarm severity—either major (red) or minor (yellow).

A major (red) alarm condition requires immediate action. A minor (yellow) condition requires monitoring or maintenance.


Brief synopsis of the alarm.

Clicking the alarm subject displays a detailed alarm message.

System Log Message Statistics

Select Log File

Specifies the name of a system log file for which you want to display the recorded events.

To specify events recorded in a particular file, select the system log filename from the list—for example, messages.

Total Alarms Log

Total number of alarms logged on the device.

Most Recent System Logs

Received At

Date and time when the event was detected.



Severity of events occurring on the device and recorded in the system log. A severity level indicates how seriously the event affects device functions.

The severity levels of events are

  • Unknown (gray)—Indicates no severity level is specified.
  • Debug/Info/Notice (green)—Indicates conditions that are not errors but are of interest or might warrant special handling.
  • Warning (yellow)—Indicates conditions that warrant monitoring.
  • Error (blue)—Indicates standard error conditions that generally have less serious consequences than errors in the emergency, alert, and critical levels.
  • Critical (pink)—Indicates critical conditions, such as hard drive errors
  • Alert (orange)—Indicates conditions that require immediate correction, such as a corrupted system database.
  • Emergency (red)—Indicates system panic or other conditions that cause the routing platform to stop functioning.


Displays a more detailed explanation of the message.


Table 94: Process Information—Summary of Key System Properties Output Fields



Additional Information

Process ID

Identifier of the process.


Effective User

Owner of the process.



Command that is currently running.



Terminal that is currently running.



Current status of the process.


Sleep state

Sleep state of the process.


Start time

Time of day when the process started.


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