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Monitoring Route Information

To view the inet.0 (IPv4) routing table in the J-Web interface, select Monitor>Routing>Route Information, or enter the following CLI commands:

Table 97 summarizes key output fields in the routing information display.

Table 97: Summary of Key Routing Information Output Fields



Additional Information

n destinations

Number of destinations for which there are routes in the routing table.


n routes

Number of routes in the routing table:

  • active—Number of routes that are active.
  • holddown—Number of routes that are in hold-down state (neither advertised nor updated) before being declared inactive.
  • hidden—Number of routes not used because of routing policies configured on the device.


Destination address of the route.


Protocol/ Preference

Protocol from which the route was learned: Static, Direct, Local, or the name of a particular protocol.

The preference is the individual preference value for the route.

The route preference is used as one of the route selection criteria.


Network layer address of the directly reachable neighboring system (if applicable) and the interface used to reach it.

If a next hop is listed as Discard, all traffic with that destination address is discarded rather than routed. This value generally means that the route is a static route for which the discard attribute has been set.

If a next hop is listed as Reject, all traffic with that destination address is rejected. This value generally means that the address is unreachable. For example, if the address is a configured interface address and the interface is unavailable, traffic bound for that address is rejected.

If a next hop is listed as Local, the destination is an address on the host (either the loopback address or Ethernet management port 0 address, for example).


How long the route has been known.



Flags for this route.

There are many possible flags. For a complete description, see the JUNOS Interfaces Command Reference.

AS Path

AS path through which the route was learned. The letters of the AS path indicate the path origin:

  • I — IGP.
  • E — EGP.
  • ? — Incomplete. Typically, the AS path was aggregated.

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