Source NAT Summary Table |
Pool Name
Name of the source pool.
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Address Low
Starting IP address of one address range in the source pool.
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Address High
Ending IP address of one address range in the source pool.
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Name of the interface on which the source pool is defined.
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Whether Port Address Translation (PAT) is enabled (Yes, or No).
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Source NAT Pool Specific Summary: pool-name |
IP address in the source pool.
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Name of the interface on which the source pool is defined.
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Status of the IP address:
Active—Denotes that the IP address is in
use. This status applies only to source NAT without Port Address Translation
Free—IP address is available for allocation.
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Single Ports
Number of allocated single ports.
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Twin Ports
Number of allocated twin ports.
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Whether PAT is enabled (Yes, or No).
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