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Pinging Layer 2 VPNs

Enter the ping mpls l2vpn command with the following syntax. Table 204 describes the ping mpls l2vpn command options.

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn interface interface-name | instance l2vpn-instance-name local-site-id local-site-id-number remote-site-id remote-site-id-number <bottom-label-ttl> <exp forwarding-class> <count number> <source source-address> <detail>

To quit the ping mpls l2vpn command, press Ctrl-C.

Alternatively, you can use the J-Web interface. (See Checking MPLS Connections from the J-Web Interface.)

Table 204: CLI ping mpls l2vpn Command Options



l2vpn interface interface-name

Sends ping requests out the specified interface configured for the Layer 2 VPN on the outbound (egress) PE router.

l2vpn instance l2vpn-instance-name local-site-id local-site-id-number remote-site-id remote-site-id-number

Pings on a combination of the Layer 2 VPN routing instance name, the local site identifier, and the remote site identifier, testing the integrity of the Layer 2 VPN circuit (specified by the identifiers) between the inbound (ingress) and outbound PE routers.


(Optional) Displays the time-to-live (TTL) value for the bottom label in the MPLS label stack.

exp forwarding-class

(Optional) Specifies the value of the forwarding class to be used in the MPLS ping packets.


(Optional) Limits the number of ping requests to send. Specify a count from 0 through 1,000,000. The default value is 5. If you do not specify a count, ping requests are continuously sent until you press Ctrl-C.

source source-address

(Optional) Uses the source address that you specify, in the ping request packet.


(Optional) Displays detailed output about the echo requests sent and received. Detailed output includes the MPLS labels used for each request and the return codes for each request.

Following is sample output from a ping mpls l2vpn command:

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn instance vpn1 remote-site-id 1 local-site-id 2 detail
Request for seq 1, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 1, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 2, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 2, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 3, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 3, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 4, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 4, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 5, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 5, return code: Egress-ok

--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

The fields in the display are the same as those displayed by the J-Web ping MPLS diagnostic tool. For information, see Ping MPLS Results and Output.

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