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Rebooting or Halting the Device with the J-Web Interface

You can use the J-Web interface to schedule a reboot or halt the J-series or SRX-series device.

Figure 27 shows the Reboot page for the device.

Figure 27: Reboot Page

Image s030262.gif

To reboot or halt the device with the J-Web interface:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Manage>Reboot.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  3. Choose the boot device from the Reboot from media list:
  4. (Optional) In the Message box, type a message to be displayed to any users on the device before the reboot occurs.
  5. Click Schedule. The J-Web interface requests confirmation to perform the reboot or halt.
  6. Click OK to confirm the operation.

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