caller ID
Telephone number of the caller on the remote end of a USB modem
connection, used to dial in and also to identify the caller. Multiple
caller IDs can be configured on a dialer interface. During dial-in,
the device matches the incoming call's caller ID against the caller
IDs configured on its dialer interfaces. Each dialer interface accepts
calls from only callers whose caller IDs are configured on it.
dialer interface (dl)
Logical interface for configuring dialing properties for a USB
modem connection.
Feature that enables the device to receive calls from the remote
end of a USB modem connection. The remote end of the USB modem call
might be a service provider, a corporate central location, or a customer
premises equipment (CPE) branch office. All incoming calls can be
verified against caller IDs configured on the device's dialer interface.
Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP)
Protocol that provides error correction and data compression
for asynchronous modem transmission.