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Using the traceroute Command

To display a list of routers between the device and a specified destination host, enter the traceroute command with the following syntax. Table 206 describes the traceroute command options.

user@host> traceroute host <interface interface-name> <as-number-lookup> <bypass-routing> <gateway address> <inet | inet6> <no-resolve> <routing-instance routing-instance-name> <source source-address> <tos number> <ttl number> <wait seconds>

To quit the traceroute command, press Ctrl-C.

Table 206: CLI traceroute Command Options




Sends traceroute packets to the hostname or IP address you specify.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Sends the traceroute packets on the interface you specify. If you do not include this option, traceroute packets are sent on all interfaces.


(Optional) Displays the autonomous system (AS) number of each intermediate hop between the device and the destination host.


(Optional) Bypasses the routing tables and sends the traceroute packets only to hosts on directly attached interfaces. If the host is not on a directly attached interface, an error message is returned.

Use this option to display a route to a local system through an interface that has no route through it.

gateway address

(Optional) Uses the gateway you specify to route through.


(Optional) Forces the traceroute packets to an IPv4 destination.


(Optional) Forces the traceroute packets to an IPv6 destination.


(Optional) Suppresses the display of the hostnames of the hops along the path.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Uses the routing instance you specify for the traceroute.

source address

(Optional) Uses the source address that you specify, in the traceroute packet.

tos number

(Optional) Sets the type-of-service (TOS) value in the IP header of the traceroute packet. Specify a value from 0 through 255.

ttl number

(Optional) Sets the time-to-live (TTL) value for the traceroute packet. Specify a hop count from 0 through 128.

wait seconds

(Optional) Sets the maximum time to wait for a response.

Following is sample output from a traceroute command:

user@host> traceroute host2
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets  1 (  0.482 ms  0.346 ms  0.318 ms  2  host4.site1.net (  0.401 ms  0.435 ms  0.359 ms  3  host5.site1.net (  0.401 ms  0.360 ms  0.357 ms  4 (  0.420 ms  0.456 ms  0.378 ms  5 (  0.830 ms  0.779 ms  0.834 ms

The fields in the display are the same as those displayed by the J-Web traceroute diagnostic tool. For information, see Traceroute Results and Output Summary.

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