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Using the monitor interface Command

Use the CLI monitor interface command to display real-time traffic, error, alarm, and filter statistics about a physical or logical interface. Enter the command with the following syntax:

user@host> monitor interface (interface-name | traffic)

Replace interface-name with the name of a physical or logical interface. If you specify the traffic option, statistics for all active interfaces are displayed.

The real-time statistics are updated every second. The Current delta and Delta columns display the amount the statistics counters have changed since the monitor interface command was entered or since you cleared the delta counters. Table 212 and Table 213 list the keys you use to control the display using the interface-name and traffic options. (The keys are not case sensitive.)

Table 212: CLI monitor interface Output Control Keys




Clears (returns to 0) the delta counters in the Current delta column. The statistics counters are not cleared.


Freezes the display, halting the update of the statistics and delta counters.


Displays information about a different interface. You are prompted for the name of a specific interface.


Displays information about the next interface. The device scrolls through the physical and logical interfaces in the same order in which they are displayed by the show interfaces terse command.

q or ESC

Quits the command and returns to the command prompt.


Thaws the display, resuming the update of the statistics and delta counters.

Table 213: CLI monitor interface traffic Output Control Keys




Displays the statistics in units of bytes and bytes per second (bps).


Clears (returns to 0) the delta counters in the Delta column. The statistics counters are not cleared.


Displays the Delta column instead of the rate column—in bps or packets per second (pps).


Displays the statistics in units of packets and packets per second (pps).

q or ESC

Quits the command and returns to the command prompt.


Displays the rate column—in bps and pps—instead of the Delta column.

Following are sample displays from the monitor interface command:

user@host> monitor interface fe-0/0/0
host1                             Seconds: 11                  Time: 16:47:49                                                                Delay: 0/0/0 Interface: fe-0/0/0, Enabled, Link is Up Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 100mbps Traffic statistics:                                           Current delta   Input bytes:                  381588589                           [11583]   Output bytes:                   9707279                            [6542]   Input packets:                  4064553                             [145]   Output packets:                   66683                              [25] Error statistics:   Input errors:                         0                               [0]   Input drops:                          0                               [0]   Input framing errors:                 0                               [0]   Carrier transitions:                  0                               [0]   Output errors:                        0                               [0]   Output drops:                         0                               [0]

Note: The output fields displayed when you enter the monitor interface interface-name command are determined by the interface you specify.

user@host> monitor interface traffic
Interface    Link  Input packets        (pps)     Output packets        (pps)  fe-0/0/0      Up          42334          (5)              23306          (3)  fe-0/0/1      Up      587525876      (12252)          589621478      (12891)

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