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Configuring Basic Settings Using the CLI Configuration Wizard

To establish basic connectivity on a Services Router, you must identify the router, connect the router to the network, and specify basic network settings. This section explains how to use the command line interface (CLI) configuration wizard for JUNOS software with enhanced services to configure basic settings so that you can connect the router to a network and further configure it using the J-Web interface or the CLI.

Note: To use the CLI configuration wizard, you must have JUNOS software with enhanced services installed on your Services Router. If JUNOS software with enhanced services is not installed on your Services Router, following the instructions inConfiguring Basic Settings with J-Web Quick Configuration to use the J-Web Quick Configuration pages to configure basic settings or use the CLI, as described in Configuring Basic Settings with a Configuration Editor.

About the CLI Configuration Wizard

The JUNOS software with enhanced services configuration wizard is a command line interface application that allows you to configure basic settings for a Services Router that is already configured with the factory default settings. For details on factory default settings, see the JUNOS Software Administration Guide.

Understand these configuration wizard characteristics before using the wizard:

Using the JUNOS Software with Enhanced Services Configuration Wizard

Before you use the CLI configuration wizard, log in to the Services Router console as described in Connecting to the CLI Locally or Connecting to the CLI Remotely

To invoke the configuration wizard, enter config-wizard at the console prompt. After you invoke the wizard, it presents the following series of prompts. Follow the prompts as described in Table 43.

Table 43: Basic Configuration Wizard Summary



Your Action


Enter host name:

Defines the hostname of the router.

Type the hostname. Alphanumeric, hyphen, and underline characters are allowed.

Please enter root password:

Sets the root password that user “root” can use to log into the router.

Type a plain-text password that the system encrypts.

Note: After a root password has been defined, it is required when you log into the J-Web user interface or the CLI.

Retype root password:

Verifies that the root password has been typed correctly.

Retype the password.

Would you like to configure a domain name? [yes, no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard presents the following prompt.

Enter domain name:

Defines the network or subnetwork that the machine belongs to.

Type the domain name. Alphanumeric, hyphen, period, and underline characters are allowed.

Would you like to configure name server? [yes, no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Enter IP address for the name server:

After you specify one name server, the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Would you like to configure alternative name server? [yes, no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Enter IP address for the name server:

Defines the name server

Type the IP address of the name server.

Management Interfaces

To allow you to configure the management interfaces, the configuration wizard presents the following information. To configure a specific management interface, enter the number associated with it at the prompt.

Configure the following network interfaces






Would you like to configure any of the above interfaces [yes, no] (yes):

Please enter one or more identifiers of the interfaces separated by comma.

For example, 1, 2

Please select interface identifiers:

For example, if you enter 1, the following text and prompt is displayed:

Configure IP on interface ge-0/0/0

IP address for this interface:

After you enter the IP address, the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Subnet mask bit length for this interface [1–32] (32):

After you enter the subnet mask for the interface, the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Enter a security zone name to associate this interface to:

Default Gateway

Would you like to configure default gateway? [yes, no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Enter IP address for the default gateway:

Defines a default gateway through which to direct packets addressed to networks not explicitly listed in the routing table.

Type a 32-bit IP address, in dotted decimal notation.

New User Account

Would you like to create a new user account? [yes, no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard displays the following prompt:

Enter a new user name:

After you enter a username, the configuration wizard prompts you for an associated password.

Enter user password

After you enter the password, the configuration wizard requests that you verify it.

Retype the password:

Defines a new (non-root) user account.

Type a username composed of only alphanumeric characters, the hyphen character, and the underscore character.

For the password, you must enter a value that is no less than 6 and no more than 128 characters long. It must contain at least 1 uppercase character and 1 lowercase character. It can include numbers and special characters.


Would you like to configure SNMP Network Management? [yes,no] (no):

If you enter y(es), the configuration wizard presents the following prompt:

Enter community string [public]:

Configures the Simple Network Management Protocol parameters. The SNMP community string defines the relationship between an SNMP server system and the client systems. The string serves as a password to control the client's access to the server.

Type the SNMP community string.

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