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Installing a Services Router

Warning: DC-powered Services Routers are intended for installation in a restricted access location.

Installing J2320 and J2350 Services Routers

To install the J2320 and J2350 router into a rack:

  1. Have one person grasp the sides of the router, lift the router, and position it in the rack.
  2. Align the top hole in each mounting bracket with a hole in each rack rail as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, making sure the chassis is level.

    Figure 3: Hanging a J2320 Router in a Rack

    Image g004108.gif

    Figure 4: Hanging a J2350 Router in a Rack

    Image g004136.gif

  3. Have a second person install a mounting screw into each of the two aligned holes. With a number 2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screws.
  4. Verify that the mounting screw on one side of the rack is aligned with the mounting screw on the opposite side and that the router is level.
  5. Install the second screw in each mounting bracket.

Installing J4350 or J6350 Services Routers

To install a J4350 or J6350 Services Router in a rack:

  1. Make sure the rack is properly secured to the building in its permanent location.
  2. Attach a screw to each rack rail in the third hole down from where you want the top of the router to be positioned, as shown in Figure 5. Screw only part way in, leaving about 1/4 in. (6 mm) distance between the screw head and the rail.
  3. Lift the router and insert the elliptical openings in the mounting brackets onto the partially inserted screws so that the router is hanging from the two screws.

    Figure 5: Hanging the Router in the Rack

    Image g003862.gif

  4. Install at least two mounting screws into each mounting bracket, in addition to the center screws from which the router hangs.

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