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Configuring an IKE Policy, Authentication,
and Proposal—Quick Configuration
You can use J-Web Quick Configuration to quickly
configure an IKE policy, authentication, and to reference a proposal.
Figure 89 shows the quick
configuration page where you can select an existing policy, or click Add to create a new one.
Figure 89: IKE Policy Configuration

Figure 90 shows the IKE Policy,
Authentication, and Proposal Configuration page.
Figure 90: IKE Policy, Authentication, and Proposal

To configure an IKE policy with Quick Configuration:
- Select Configuration > Quick Configuration > VPN > IKE.
- Select IKE Policy tab if it is not selected.
- To use an existing policy, select it from among those
listed and click one of the following buttons:
- To apply the configuration and stay on the Quick Configuration
page, click Apply.
- To apply the configuration and return to the main Configuration
page, click OK.
- To cancel your entries and return to the main page, click Cancel.
- To configure a new IKE policy, authentication, and to
reference a proposal, click Add.
Figure 90 shows the quick
configuration page where you create a new IKE policy.
- Fill in the options as described in Table 61.
- Click one of the following buttons:
- To apply the configuration, click OK.
- To cancel the configuration and return to the main Configuration
page, click Cancel.
Table 61: IKE Policy, Authentication,
and Proposal Options
IKE Policy |
Name of the policy.
Enter a name.
Descripton of the policy.
Enter a description.
Use Main or Aggressive mode.
Select a mode.
Pre shared key
Use one of the following preshared key types:
Click Pre shared key, click the type of key, and enter
the key in the appropriate format.
Use certificates
Click Certificate.
Local Certificate
Use a particular certificate when the local device has multiple
loaded certificates.
Enter a local certificate identifier.
Peer Certificate Type
Use a preferred type of certificate (PKCS7 or X509).
Select a certificate type.
Trusted CA
Use a trusted certificate authority.
Click None or Use all, or click Ca index and select from the list.
Proposal |
Do not use proposals
Click None.
Use one of the following types of predefined Phase 1 proposals:
- Basic
- Compatible
- Standard
Click Predefined and select a proposal type.
User Defined
Use a user-defined Phase 1 Proposal.
Click User Defined, select a proposal from the pop-up
menu, and click Add.
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