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Configuring an IKE Policy, Authentication, and Proposal—Quick Configuration

You can use J-Web Quick Configuration to quickly configure an IKE policy, authentication, and to reference a proposal.

Before You Begin

For background information, read Configuring an IKE Phase 1 Proposal—Quick Configuration.

Figure 89 shows the quick configuration page where you can select an existing policy, or click Add to create a new one.

Figure 89: IKE Policy Configuration

Image QC_ike_2.gif


Figure 90 shows the IKE Policy, Authentication, and Proposal Configuration page.

Figure 90: IKE Policy, Authentication, and Proposal Configuration

Image QC_ike_pol.gif


To configure an IKE policy with Quick Configuration:

  1. Select Configuration > Quick Configuration > VPN > IKE.
  2. Select IKE Policy tab if it is not selected.
  3. To use an existing policy, select it from among those listed and click one of the following buttons:
  4. To configure a new IKE policy, authentication, and to reference a proposal, click Add.

    Figure 90 shows the quick configuration page where you create a new IKE policy.

  5. Fill in the options as described in Table 61.
  6. Click one of the following buttons:

Table 61: IKE Policy, Authentication, and Proposal Options




IKE Policy


Name of the policy.

Enter a name.


Descripton of the policy.

Enter a description.


Use Main or Aggressive mode.

Select a mode.

Pre shared key

Use one of the following preshared key types:

  • ASCII text
  • Hexadecimal

Click Pre shared key, click the type of key, and enter the key in the appropriate format.


Use certificates

Click Certificate.

Local Certificate

Use a particular certificate when the local device has multiple loaded certificates.

Enter a local certificate identifier.

Peer Certificate Type

Use a preferred type of certificate (PKCS7 or X509).

Select a certificate type.

Trusted CA

Use a trusted certificate authority.

Click None or Use all, or click Ca index and select from the list.



Do not use proposals

Click None.


Use one of the following types of predefined Phase 1 proposals:

  • Basic
  • Compatible
  • Standard

Click Predefined and select a proposal type.

User Defined

Use a user-defined Phase 1 Proposal.

Click User Defined, select a proposal from the pop-up menu, and click Add.

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