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JUNOS Software with Enhanced Services Upgrade and Downgrade Instructions

Note: This information applies only to upgrading one release of JUNOS software with enhanced services to another. To upgrade from the JUNOS software to JUNOS software with enhanced services, see the JUNOS Software Migration Guide.

In JUNOS Release 8.5, the JUNOS software was extended to use FreeBSD version 6.1. As a result, the following requirements apply when you upgrade your router to JUNOS Release 8.5 and later:

This section contains the following topics:

Upgrade and Downgrade Overview

Typically, you upgrade JUNOS software with enhanced services on a Services Router by downloading a set of images onto your router or onto another system on your local network, such as a PC. You then uncompress the package and install the uncompressed software using the CLI. Finally, you boot your system with this upgraded device.

A JUNOS software package is a collection of files that make up a software component. You can download software packages either for upgrading JUNOS software or for recovering a primary compact flash.

All JUNOS software and JUNOS software with enhanced services is delivered in signed packages that contain digital signatures, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) checksums, and Message Digest 5 (MD5) checksums. For more information about signed software packages, see the JUNOS Software Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Upgrade Software Packages

Download an upgrade software package, also known as an install package, to install new features and software fixes as they become available.

An upgrade software package name is in the following format: package-name-m.nZx.y-distribution.tgz.

A sample JUNOS software with enhanced services package name is junos-jsr-9.2R4.1-domestic.tgz.

Recovery Software Packages

Download a recovery software package, also known as an install media package, to recover a primary compact flash device.

A recovery software package name is in the following format: package-name-m.nZx-export-cfnnn.gz.

A sample JUNOS software with enhanced services recovery package name is junos-jsr-8.5R1-export-cf256.gz.

Before You Begin

Before upgrading, be sure to back up the currently running and active file system and configuration so that you can recover to a known, stable environment in case the upgrade is unsuccessful. To back up the file system, you must have a removable compact flash disk installed on a J2320 or J2350 Services Router, or a USB drive installed on any J-series Services Router. The backup device must have a storage capacity of at least 256 MB.

To back up the file system to the removable compact flash disk, issue the following command:

user@host> request system snapshot media removable-compact-flash

To back up the file system to the removable USB drive, issue the following command:

user@host> request system snapshot media usb

Downloading Software Upgrades from Juniper Networks

Follow these steps to download software upgrades from Juniper Networks:

  1. Using a Web browser, follow the links to the download URL on the Juniper Networks Web page. Depending on your location, select either Canada and U.S. Version or Worldwide Version:
  2. Log in to the Juniper Networks Web site using the username (generally your e-mail address) and password supplied by Juniper Networks representatives.
  3. Using the J-Web interface or the CLI, select the appropriate JUNOS software with enhanced services image for your application. For information about JUNOS software with enhanced services packages, see Upgrade and Downgrade Overview.
  4. Download JUNOS software with enhanced services to a local host or to an internal software distribution site.

Installing Software Upgrades with the J-Web Interface

If your router has at least a 512-MB compact flash, you can use the J-Web interface to install software upgrades from a remote server using FTP or HTTP, or by uploading the software image to the router. This section contains the following topics:

Installing Software Upgrades from a Remote Server

If your router has at least a 512-MB compact flash, you can use the J-Web interface to install software packages on the router that are retrieved with FTP or HTTP from the location specified. Installing software upgrades using this method copies the software image to the router.

Note: This procedure applies only to upgrading one release of JUNOS software with enhanced services to another. To upgrade from the JUNOS software to JUNOS software with enhanced services, see the JUNOS Software Migration Guide.

To install software upgrades from a remote server:

  1. Download the software package as described in Downloading Software Upgrades from Juniper Networks.
  2. In the J-Web interface, select Manage>Software>Install Package.
  3. On the Install Package Quick Configuration page, enter information into the fields described in Table 3.
  4. Click Fetch and Install Package. The software is activated after the router reboots.

Table 3: Install Package Summary



Your Action

Package Location (required)

Specifies the FTP or HTTP server, file path, and software package name.

Type the full address of the software package location server—one of the following:




Specifies the username, if the server requires one.

Type the username.


Specifies the password, if the server requires one.

Type the password.

Reboot If Required

If this box is checked, the router is automatically rebooted when the upgrade is complete.

Check the box if you want the router to reboot automatically when the upgrade is complete.

Installing Software Upgrades by Uploading Files

If your router has at least a 512-MB compact flash, you can use the J-Web interface to install software packages uploaded from your computer to the router.

Note: This procedure applies only to upgrading one release of JUNOS software with enhanced services to another. To upgrade from the JUNOS software to JUNOS software with enhanced services, see the JUNOS Software Migration Guide.

To install software upgrades by uploading files:

  1. Download the software package as described in Downloading Software Upgrades from Juniper Networks.
  2. In the J-Web interface, select Manage>Software>Upload Package.
  3. On the Upload Package page, enter information into the fields described in Table 4.
  4. Click Upload Package. The software is activated after the router has rebooted.

Table 4: Upload Package Summary



Your Action

File to Upload (required)

Specifies the location of the software package on the local system.

Type the location of the software package, or click Browse to navigate to the location.

Reboot If Required

If this box is checked the router is automatically rebooted when the upgrade is complete.

Select the check box if you want the router to reboot automatically when the upgrade is complete.

Installing Software Upgrades with the CLI

This section contains the following topics:

Installing Software Upgrades by Downloading Files

To install software upgrades by downloading files to the router:

  1. Download the JUNOS software with enhanced services package to the router using the following command:
    user@host> file copy source destination

    Replace source with one of the following paths:

    Replace destination with the path to the destination directory on the router. We recommend the /var/tmp directory.

  2. Install the new package on the Services Router, entering the following command in operational mode in the CLI:
    user@host> request system software add validate unlink no-copy source

    Replace source with /pathname/package-name (for example, /var/tmp/junos-jsr-8.5R2.1.tar.gz).

    By default, the request system software add command uses the validate option to validate the software package against the current configuration as a prerequisite to adding the software package. This validation ensures that the router can reboot successfully after the software package is installed. This is the default behavior when you are adding a software package.

    The unlink option removes the package at the earliest opportunity so that the router has enough room to complete the installation.

    (Optional) The no-copy option specifies that a software package is installed, but a copy of the package is not saved. Include this option if you do not have enough space on the compact flash to perform an upgrade that keeps a copy of the package on the router.

  3. After the software package is installed, reboot the router:
    user@host> request system reboot

    When the reboot is complete, the router displays the login prompt.

Installing Software Upgrades from a Remote Server

To install the software upgrades from a remote server:

  1. Install the JUNOS software with enhanced services package on the Services Router, entering the following command in operational mode in the CLI:
    user@host> request system software add validate unlink no-copy source

    Replace source with one of the following paths:

    By default, the request system software add command uses the validate option to validate the software package against the current configuration as a prerequisite to adding the software package. This validation ensures that the router can reboot successfully after the software package is installed. This is the default behavior when you are adding a software package.

    The unlink option removes the package at the earliest opportunity so that the router has enough room to complete the installation.

    (Optional) The no-copy option specifies that a software package is installed, but a copy of the package is not saved. Include this option if you do not have enough space on the compact flash to perform an upgrade that keeps a copy of the package on the router.

  2. After the software package is installed, reboot the router:
    user@host> request system reboot

    When the reboot is complete, the router displays the login prompt.

Downgrade Instructions

This section contains the following topics:

Note: Juniper Networks supports direct software downgrades for a maximum of three releases.

Downgrading the Software with the J-Web Interface

You can downgrade the software from the J-Web interface. For the changes to take effect, you must reboot the router.

Note: This procedure applies only to downgrading one release of JUNOS software with enhanced services to another. To downgrade JUNOS software with enhanced services to the JUNOS software, see the JUNOS Software Migration Guide.

To downgrade software with the J-Web interface:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Manage>Software>Downgrade. The image of the previous software version (if any) is displayed on this page.

    Note: After you perform this operation, you cannot undo it.

  2. Select Downgrade to downgrade to the previous version of the software or Cancel to cancel the downgrade process.
  3. When the downgrade process is complete, for the new software to take effect, click Manage>Reboot from the J-Web interface to reboot the router.

After you downgrade the software, the previous release is loaded, and you cannot reload the running version of software again. To downgrade to an earlier version of software, follow the procedure for upgrading, using the software image of JUNOS software with enhanced services labeled with the appropriate release.

Downgrading the Software with the CLI

You can revert to the previous version of software using the request system software rollback command in the CLI. For the changes to take effect, you must reboot the router. To downgrade to an earlier version of software, follow the procedure for upgrading, using the software image of JUNOS software with enhanced services labeled with the appropriate release.

Note: This procedure applies only to downgrading one release of JUNOS software with enhanced services to another. To downgrade JUNOS software with enhanced services to the JUNOS software, see the JUNOS Software Migration Guide.

To downgrade software with the CLI:

  1. Enter the request system software rollback command to return to the previous JUNOS software version:
    user@host> request system software rollback

    The previous software version is now ready to become active when you next reboot the router.

  2. Reboot the router:
    user@host> request system reboot

The router is now running the previous version of the software. To downgrade to an earlier version of software, follow the procedure for upgrading, using the software image of JUNOS software with enhanced services labeled with the appropriate release.

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