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Understanding SYN Cookie Protection

SYN Cookie is a stateless SYN proxy mechanism you can use in conjunction with the defenses against a SYN flood attack.

Before You Begin

For background information, read:

As with traditional SYN proxying, SYN Cookie is activated when the SYN flood attack threshold is exceeded. However, because SYN Cookie is stateless, it does not set up a session or policy and route lookups upon receipt of a SYN segment, and it maintains no connection request queues. This dramatically reduces CPU and memory usage and is the primary advantage of using SYN Cookie over the traditional SYN proxying mechanism.

When SYN Cookie is enabled on JUNOS Software and becomes the TCP-negotiating proxy for the destination server, it replies to each incoming SYN segment with a SYN/ACK containing an encrypted cookie as its Initial Sequence Number (ISN). The cookie is an MD5 hash of the original source address and port number, destination address and port number, and ISN from the original SYN packet. After sending the cookie, JUNOS Software drops the original SYN packet and deletes the calculated cookie from memory. If there is no response to the packet containing the cookie, the attack is noted as an active SYN attack and is effectively stopped.

If the initiating host responds with a TCP packet containing the cookie +1 in the TCP ACK field, JUNOS Software extracts the cookie, subtracts 1 from the value, and recomputes the cookie to validate that it is a legitimate ACK. If it is legitimate, JUNOS Software starts the TCP proxy process by setting up a session and sending a SYN to the server containing the source information from the original SYN. When JUNOS Software receives a SYN/ACK from the server, it sends ACKs to the server and to the initiation host. At this point the connection is established and the host and server are able to communicate directly.

Figure 147 shows how a connection is established between an initiating host and a server when SYN Cookie is active on JUNOS Software.

Figure 147: Establishing a Connection with SYN Cookie Active

Image SYN_Cookie.gif

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