Connecting Dual Control Links for SRX Series Devices in a Chassis Cluster

For the SRX5000 and SRX3000 lines, you can connect two control links between the two devices, effectively reducing the chance of control link failure.

For devices in the SRX5000 line, connect two pairs of the same type of Ethernet ports. For each device, you can use ports on the same Services Processing Card (SPC), but we recommend that they be on two different SPCs to provide high availability. Figure 85 shows a pair of SRX5800 devices with dual control links connected. In this example, control port 0 and control port 1 are connected on different SPCs.

Figure 85: Connecting Dual Control Links (SRX5800 Devices)

Image g030658.gif

For devices in the SRX3000 line, connect two pairs of the same type of Ethernet ports. For each device, use both available built-in ports. Figure 86 shows a pair of SRX3400 devices with dual control links connected.

Figure 86: Connecting Dual Control Links (SRX3400 Devices)

Image g030655.gif

Note: For devices in both the SRX5000 and SRX3000 lines, you must connect control port 0 on one node to control port 0 on the other node and, likewise, control port 1 to control port 1. If you connect control port 0 to control port 1, the nodes will not be able to receive heartbeat packets across the control links.

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