Understanding Spam Message Handling
There are two possible actions the device can take when spam is detected. It can perform a drop action or a tag action.
Blocking Detected Spam
The device can block and drop detected spam at either the connection level or the e-mail level:
- Blocking spam at the connection level
When the SMTP sender is identified as a spam sender based on its IP address, the SMTP connection is rejected and dropped. An error message with a proper error code from the firewall is sent out on behalf of the SMTP server. An example of such an error message is:
554 Transaction failed due to anti spam setting - Blocking spam at the e-mail level
When a particular e-mail sender is identified as spam sender based on its sender address, the e-mail is rejected and dropped. An error message with a proper error code from the firewall is sent back to the sender on behalf of the server. An example of such an error message is:
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Tagging Detected Spam
The device can allow and tag the e-mail if the message sender is detected as a spammer. This tagging can occur at the connection level so that all the e-mails for the connection in question are tagged. Otherwise, you can tag only an individual e-mail. Two tagging methods are supported:
- Tag the subject: A user-defined string is added at the beginning of the subject of the e-mail.
- Tag the header: A user-defined string is added to the e-mail header.
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