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Rebooting or Halting the Device
Reboot or halt your J Series or SRX Series device with either
the J-Web interface or the CLI. This section contains the following topics:
Rebooting or Halting the Device with the J-Web
You can use the J-Web interface to schedule a reboot or halt the J Series
or SRX Series device.
Figure 11 shows the Reboot page
for the device.
Figure 11: Reboot Page

To reboot or halt the device with the J-Web interface:
- In the J-Web interface, select Maintain>Reboot.
- Select one of the following options:
- Reboot Immediately—Reboots
the device immediately.
- Reboot in number of minutes—Reboots the device in the number of minutes from
now that you specify.
- Reboot when the system time is hour:minute—Reboots the
device at the absolute time that you specify, on the current day.
You must select a 2-digit hour in 24-hour format, and a 2-digit minute.
- Halt Immediately—Stops the device software
immediately. After the software has stopped, you can access the device through
the console port only.
- Choose the boot device from the Reboot from media list:
- compact-flash—Reboots from
the internal CompactFlash card. This selection is the default choice.
- removable-compact-flash—Reboots
from the optional external compact CompactFlash card. This selection
is available on J2320 and J2350 Services Routers only.
- usb—Reboots from the USB storage
- (Optional) In the Message box, type a message
to be displayed to any users on the device before the reboot
- Click Schedule. The J-Web
interface requests confirmation to perform the reboot or halt.
- Click OK to confirm the operation.
- If the reboot is scheduled to occur immediately, the device reboots.
You cannot access the J-Web interface until the device has restarted
and the boot sequence is complete. After the reboot is complete, refresh
the browser window to display the J-Web interface login page.
- If the reboot is scheduled to occur in the future, the
Reboot page displays the time until reboot. You have the option to
cancel the request by clicking Cancel Reboot on
the J-Web interface Reboot page.
- If the device is halted, all software processes
stop and you can access the device through the console port
only. Reboot the device by pressing any key on the keyboard.
If you cannot connect to the device through the console
port, shut down the device by pressing and holding the power
button on the front panel until the POWER LED turns off.
After the device has shut down, you can power on the device by
pressing the power button again. The POWER LED lights during
startup and remains steadily green when the device is operating
Rebooting the Device with the CLI
You can use the request system reboot CLI command to
schedule a reboot the J Series or SRX Series device:
user@host> request system reboot <at time> <in minutes> <media type> <message “text”>
Table 187 describes the request system reboot command options.
Table 187: CLI Request System Reboot Command Options
Same as at now (reboots the device immediately).
at time
Specifies the time at which to reboot the device. You
can specify time in one of the following ways:
- now—Reboots the device immediately.
This is the default.
- +minutes—Reboots the device in
the number of minutes from now that you specify.
- yymmddhhmm—Reboots
the device at the absolute time on the date you specify. Enter
the year, month, day, hour (in 24-hour format), and minute.
- hh:mm—Reboots the device at
the absolute time you specify, on the current day. Enter the time
in 24-hour format, using a colon (:) to separate hours from minutes.
in minutes
Specifies the number of minutes from now to reboot the device.
This option is a synonym for the at +minutes option.
media type
Specifies the boot device to boot the router from:
- compact-flash—Reboots from the internal
CompactFlash card. This is the default.
- removable-compact-flash—Reboots from the
optional external CompactFlash card. This option is available on J2320
and J2350 Services Routers only.
- usb—Reboots from the USB storage device.
message "text"
Provides a message to display to all system users before the device reboots.
Halting the Device with the CLI
You can use the request system halt CLI command to
halt the J Series or SRX Series device:
user@host> request system halt <at time> <in minutes> <media type> <message “text”>
When the device is halted, all software processes stop
and you can access the device through the console port only.
Reboot the device by pressing any key on the keyboard.
If you cannot connect to the device through the console
port, shut down the device by pressing and holding the power
button on the front panel until the POWER LED turns off.
After the device has shut down, you can power on the device by
pressing the power button again. The POWER LED lights during
startup and remains steadily green when the device is operating normally.
Table 188 describes the request system halt command options.
Table 188: CLI Request System Halt Command Options
Same as at now (stops software processes on the device immediately).
at time
Time at which to stop the software processes on the device.
You can specify time in one of the following ways:
- now—Stops the software processes immediately.
This is the default.
- +minutes—Stops the
software processes in the number of minutes from now that you specify.
- yymmddhhmm—Stops the
software processes at the absolute time you specify. Enter the year,
month, day, hour (in 24-hour format), and minute.
- hh:mm—Stops the software
processes at the absolute time that you specify, on the current day.
Enter the time in 24-hour format, using a colon (:) to separate hours
from minutes.
in minutes
Specifies the number of minutes from now to stop the software
processes on the device. This option is a synonym for the at +minutes option.
media type
Specifies the boot device to boot the router from after the
- compact-flash—Reboots from the internal
CompactFlash card. This is the default.
- removable-compact-flash—Reboots from the
optional external CompactFlash card. This option is available on J2320
and J2350 Services Routers only.
- usb—Reboots from the USB storage device.
message "text"
Provides a message to display to all system users before the
software processes on the device are stopped.
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