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CTP2000 8P-IRIG Interface Module

The CTP2000 8P-IRIG interface module enables an interrange instrumentation group time code (IRIG-B) signal to be transported through an IP network. IRIG-B is a special time code transmission format that uses a hybrid analog/digital physical interface. The IRIG-B standard consists of a family of rate-scaled serial time codes with formats containing up to three coded expressions or words. The IRIG-B pulse code contains one frame of 100 elements per second for the time of the year and GPS receiver status. IRIG-B encodes day of year, hour, minute, and second data on a 1-KHz carrier frequency, with an update rate of once per second.

The CTP2000 8P-IRIG module has eight ports. You can configure direction, high and low level output, and data range for this module. (See Figure 1.)


CTP2000 8P-IRIG Interface Module can no longer be purchased.

Figure 1: CTP2000 8P-IRIG Interface ModuleCTP2000 8P-IRIG Interface Module