You can access the console through applications such as, TeraTerm, Putty, or
If your console uses a version of Microsoft Windows (such as Windows XP or Windows NT
4.0) that supports the HyperTerminal application, you can access the device through
- Click the Start button and select Programs,
Accessories, Communications, and HyperTerminal.
- In the HyperTerminal window, select HyperTerminal.
- In the Connection Description dialog box, enter a name
for your device in the Name field.
- Select any icon to represent your terminal emulation,
and click OK.
- In the Connect To dialog box, in the Connect using field,
select the appropriate COM port to use (for example, COM1), and click OK.
- In the COM1 Properties dialog box, select the following
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: Xon/Xoff
- Click OK.