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Connecting the SRX4600 to External Devices

Connect a Device to a Management Console Using an RJ‑45 Connector

Ensure that you have an Ethernet cable that has an RJ-45 connector at either end and an RJ-45-to-DB-9 serial port adapter.

Figure 1: RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable
We no longer include the RJ-45 console cable with the DB-9 adapter as part of the device package. If the console cable and adapter are not included in your device package, or if you need a different type of adapter, you can order the following separately:
  • RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-DB9)
  • RJ-45 to USB-A adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBA)
  • RJ-45 to USB-C adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBC)

If you want to use RJ-45 to USB-A or RJ-45 to USB-C adapter, you must have X64 (64-Bit) Virtual COM port (VCP) driver installed on your PC. See to download the driver.


If your laptop or desktop PC does not have a DB-9 plug connector pin and you want to connect your laptop or desktop PC directly to the device, use a combination of the RJ-45-to-DB-9 socket adapter and a USB-to-DB-9 plug adapter. You must provide the USB-to-DB-9 plug adapter.

You can configure and manage your network devices using a dedicated management channel. Each device has a console port that you can connect to using an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector. Use the console port to connect the device to the console server or management console. The console port accepts a cable that has an RJ-45 connector.

To connect the device to a management console:

  1. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the console port (labeled CON, CONSOLE, or CON1) on the device.
  2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the console server (see Figure 2) or management console (see Figure 3).
Figure 2: Connect a Device to a Management Console Through a Console ServerConnect a Device to a Management Console Through a Console Server
Figure 3: Connect a Device Directly to a Management ConsoleConnect a Device Directly to a Management Console

Connect a Device to a Network for Out-of-Band Management

Ensure that you have an Ethernet cable that has an RJ-45 connector at either end.

Figure 4: RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet CableRJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable

You can monitor and manage a network device, such as a router or a switch, by using a dedicated management channel. Each device has a management port to which you can connect an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector. Use the management port to connect the device to the management device.

To connect a device to a network for out-of-band management:

  1. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the management port on the device.
  2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the management device.

Connecting an SRX4600 Firewall to a Management Console by Using the Mini-USB Type-B Console Port

Before you begin connecting the firewall by using the Mini-USB Type-B console port:

  • Ensure that the USB to Serial driver is installed on the host machine. You can download the driver from

  • Ensure that the HyperTerminal properties of the console server or laptop are set as follows:

    • Baud rate—9600

    • Flow control—None

    • Data—8

    • Parity—None

    • Stop bits—1

    • DCD state—Disregard

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:

  • One mini-USB cable with Standard-A and Mini-USB Type-B (5-pin) connectors (not provided).

You can configure and manage an SRX4600 Firewall by using the RJ-45 console port or the Mini-USB Type-B console port.

If your laptop or PC does not have a DB-9 plug connector pin or RJ-45 connector pin, you can connect your laptop or PC directly to the firewall by using a mini-USB cable that has a Standard-A USB connector on one end and a Mini-USB Type-B (5-pin) connector on the other end.

This topic describes the procedure to connect an SRX4600 Firewall to the management console by using the Mini-USB Type-B console port.

For information about configuring and managing an SRX4600 Firewall by using the RJ-45 console port, see Connect a Device to a Management Console Using an RJ-45 Connector.

To connect the firewall to the console by using the Mini-USB Type-B console port:

  1. Connect the Standard-A connector of the mini-USB cable to the host machine (PC or laptop).
  2. Connect the Mini-USB Type-B (5-pin) connector of the mini-USB cable to the Mini-USB Type-B console port (labeled CON) on the firewall.
  3. Set the Mini-USB Type-B console port as the active console port by using the port-type command.

    By default, the RJ-45 port is set as an active console port and the Mini-USB Type-B port is the passive console port. For information about configuring the console port type, see Configuring the Console Port Type (CLI Procedure).

  4. Reboot the firewall.

After the connection is established, the Mini-USB Type-B becomes the active console port. The host machine connected to the Mini-USB Type-B console port displays log messages and enables you to control firewall functionality through it.