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Step 2: Up and Running


Now that the EX4600 is powered on, let’s do some initial configuration to get it up and running on the network. It’s simple to provision and manage the EX4600 using the CLI.

Plug and Play

The EX4600 switch ships with factory-default settings that enable plug-and-play operation. These settings load as soon as you power on the switch.

Customize the Basic Configuration

You can easily customize the factory-default configuration using CLI commands. You can revert to the factory-default configuration whenever you want.

Have the following information handy before you begin customizing switch settings:

  • Hostname

  • Root authentication password

  • Management port IP address

  • Default gateway IP address

  • (Optional) SNMP read community, location, and contact information

  1. Verify that the serial port settings for your laptop or desktop PC are set to the default:
    • Baud Rate—9600

    • Flow Control—None

    • Data—8

    • Parity—None

    • Stop Bits—1

    • DCD State—Disregard

  2. Connect the console (CON) port on the switch’s management panel to a laptop or desktop PC using the RJ-45 cable and RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (not provided).Note

    If your laptop or desktop PC doesn't have a serial port, use a serial-to-USB adapter (not provided).

  3. At the Junos OS login prompt, type root to log in. You don't need to enter a password. If the software booted before you connected the laptop or desktop to the console port, you might need to press the Enter key for the prompt to appear.
    login: root
  4. Start the CLI.
    root@% cli
  5. Enter configuration mode.
    root> configure
  6. Add a password for the root administration user account.
    root@# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
    New password: password
    Retype new password: password
  7. (Optional) Configure the name of the switch. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks (“ ”).
    root@# set system host-name host-name
  8. Configure the default gateway.
    root@# set routing-options static route default next-hop address
  9. Configure the IP address and prefix length for the switch management interface.
    root@# set interfaces em0 unit 0 family inet address address/prefix-length

    Although the CLI lets you configure two management Ethernet interfaces within the same subnet, only one interface is usable and supported at any point in time.


    The management ports, em0 (labeled C0), and em1 (labeled C1), are on the switch’s management panel.

  10. Configure the static routes to remote prefixes with access to the management port.
    root@# set routing-options static route remote-prefix next-hop destination-ipretain no-readvertise
  11. Enable Telnet service.
    root@# set system services telnet

    When Telnet is enabled, you cannot log in to the EX4600 through Telnet using root credentials. Root login is allowed only for SSH access.

  12. Commit the configuration. Your changes become the active configuration for the switch.
    root@# commit