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How to Use the APM Utility and CLI Commands

Access APM Utility Commands

SUMMARY After you've installed the Address Pool Manager (APM) application, you can perform the following administration functions.

You can use the APM utility script (apm) to administer the application and to access the CLI that you use to configure the address management functions. The Juniper APM installation places the utility script in /var/local/apm and creates a symbolic link to the script in /usr/local/bin/apm.

You can use the apm utility script (which uses the K8 API and Helm commands ) to do the following:

  • Create and delete objects.
  • Provide log access.
  • Conduct interactive sessions with pod containers.
  • Display the status of the APM objects.

Using the apm utility script simplifies many of your administrative duties. The script performs the tasks you need to manage APM, while masking the complexity of the kubectl command.

Table 1 lists the commands that you can invoke with the apm utility script and describes the action that occurs. Many of the individual commands have options that you can specify.

Table 1: APM Utility Script Commands
Name Action
clean Clean up unneeded releases and/or docker cache.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

cli Access the CLI that you can use to configure APM features and to monitor the current status for managed BNGs.
contexts Display the available clusters for control with APM

Introduced in Release 3.2.

db-info Displays current state of APM’s database microservice including the current version, stateful set pods, and their roles.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

db-switchover Forces the persistent state database (DB) primary pod to switchover to an eligible backup pod. Introduced in Release 3.2.

DB switchover is a service disrupting event and you only use it with the upgrade procedure.

ip Displays the IP addresses of Address Pool Manager.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

link Links a cluster to a specific software version.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

logs Display APM logs.
rename-context Rename a context. Does not effect the running Address Pool Manager on the cluster.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

restart Restart one or more specified services. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.

Introduced in Release 3.1.

rollout Upgrade an APM service. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

save-config Saves the current config of the Address Pool Manager to a file outside the pod.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

shell Connect to a running APM microservice.
setup Set up the APM application as part of the installation process. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.
start Start a specific APM service or all APM services. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.
status Display the current status of the APM services. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.

Provides the status of the storage drivers for APM.


Introduced in Release 3.2.

stop Stop all APM services. To run this command, you need sudo root privileges.
unlink Unlink components associated with the context.

Introduced in Release 3.2.

version Displays the version of every running microservice in the APM instance as well as the APM utility. It also lists all available APM software releases on the system.

Use the following general syntax to issue a command:

  • For a short option:

  • For a long option:

To view details for a cluster, use the cluster name after the command.

To display a list of available commands with a brief description, use either the h or help option:

To display the options for a specific command:

To specify the --no-color option to disable colored-text output (used to distinguish logs from different microservices):

Upgrade APM to a New Version

Use this procedure to upgrade to a new version of APM. This procedure assumes APM is running on your system.

  1. Download the APM software package from the Juniper Networks software download page to the jump host.

    APM is available as a compressed tarball image (.tgz). The filename includes the release number as part of the name. The release number has the format: <Major>.<Minor>.<Maintenance>

    • major is the main release number of the product.
    • minor is the minor release number of the product.
    • maintenance is the revision number.
  2. Unpack the APM tarball (.tgz) file on the jump host by entering:
  3. Run the loader script after you unpack the tarball.
  4. Link to the cluster by using the link command. The link command associates the loaded APM software package to the cluster in preparation for the setup.
    • contextName is the Kubernetes context (cluster name).

    • apmSwVersion is the software version.

  5. Run setup to complete any additional environment values.
    • contextName is the Kubernetes context (cluster names).

    • update are the prompts for only missing values (primarily used after loading a new software release).

  6. Display the running DB to see which pod is the primary pod and to determine whether to upgrade the persistent state database (DB):
  7. Display the DB version in the new package:

    For example, the DB version 7.2.1 is later than what is running (6.2.13), so you need to upgrade the DB.

  8. Initiate a DB switchover if the jnpr-apm-redis-0 is not the primary DB.
  9. Rollout the new DB version.
  10. Upgrade the microservices with the sudo -E apm rollout –-context contextName –service Servicename --version SwVersion command. Enter the commands in the following order:
  11. Verify that all micro-services are running the new version of software:

Start or Stop APM Services

Use the apm utility script to start or stop all APM services. The services start in order of dependency. Essential services (db and mgmt) start first, followed by the other services. The services stop in reverse order of dependency.

  • To start all APM services:


    We recommend that you use the sudo -E apm start ––services option to start individual services or a set of services only for troubleshooting. Use under the guidance of a Juniper Networks support representative. Use with caution as this command is like rebooting to factory-default.


    By default, APM starts from factory-defaults. The configuration is reset to its initial state, any persistent state database (DB) is cleared, and any persistent logs are cleared. In APM Release 3.2, after the initial setup, you can use apm start –-save-config to save the config. you save the config to a file (not on the pod) so that you can load it later.

  • To stop all APM services:

Setup Secrets

You can setup secrets during setup or run the sudo -E apm setup --context contextName --secrets to setup secrets or update them.

Display Database Information

The apm db-info command displays current state of APM’s database microservice including the current version, stateful set pods, and their roles.

apm db-info [--context contextName] [-o|--output json]

Check the Status of APM Services

Use the apm status utility script to check the status of each APM service (functional component) listed in Table 2. The status shows whether a service is running, has exited, or has not started. It also displays the service name on the Kubernetes pod. You can compare uptime for the services to quickly see whether any service has been restarted.

Table 2: Services Displayed with the status Command


Pod Prefix

addrman—Address manager


mgmt—CLI management


Redis (Remote Dictionary Server)—consists of a set of pods which provide the persistent database.


entman—Entity manager


provman—Provisioning manager


apm-fluentd—A set of pods that collects logs from mgmt, address manager, entity manager, provisioning manager and provisioning manager microservices, and exports them to remote syslog servers.


To check the status:

  1. Display the service status.
  2. (Optional) Render the version information in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, which is useful for scripting interfaces.

For example:

Display APM IP Addresses

Use the apm ip utility script to display the Kubernetes objects that are necessary for the orchestration of the APM pods. For example:

Display Logging

SUMMARY Use the apm logs utility script to display the logs of events that occur while APM is running. You can also use the BBE Event Collection and Visualization utility to display file-based logs collected and stored since the time APM is started. BBE Event Collection and Visualization is a cloud-based centralized utility that provides a way to capture APM logs that span the life-cycle of APM micro-services. You link to the BBE Event Collection and Visualization logging utility when you set up APM. See the Broadband Edge Event Collection and Visualization Installation Guide.

Display APM Logging

BBE Event Collection and Visualization is a cloud-based centralized utility that provides a way to capture APM logs that span the life-cycle of APM micro-services. If you have BBE Event Collection and Visualization setup, during the APM setup, you can point BBE Event Collection and Visualization to perform the logging. BBE Event Collection and Visualization has a web-based interface to OpenSearch’s capabilities for advanced searching, aggregation, viewing, and data analysis of collected syslog events.

Use the apm logs utility script to display the logs of events that occur while APM is running. The event logs include events such as those shown in the following non-exhaustive list:

  • Pool-domain registration events

  • Address allocation failures

  • Network entity connection failures

  • Startup messages

  • Network entity resynchronization events

  • Pool and partition utilization threshold and depletion warnings

By default, APM sends logs to the standard output (stdout) of the service. The output displays the circular buffer of all services or of a specified service. You can also enable logging to follow the log output of the running services. Following the log output creates an open session that continuously streams the logs to stdout.

The APM logging functions mask the underlying complexities of the kubectl log command that is collecting the log information. You can still use the kubectl log command, but that is outside the scope of this documentation.


You can use third-party applications to capture and redirect the stdout stream for the container. Refer to your third-party documentation for assistance. You can also configure Docker with different logging drivers to redirect stdout. Refer to your Docker documentation for assistance.

To display APM logs for all services:

Best Practice:

Use the apm logs ––services option only when you are troubleshooting under the guidance of a Juniper Networks support representative.

To follow the logs for all services, specify the follow option (-f):

To view logs from previous instances of the containers in a Kubernetes pod, specify the previous container option (-p):

You can use standard Ubuntu conventions to redirect the logs to a file or to the terminal and to a file. Refer to the Ubuntu documentation for more information, but you can use the following examples as a starting point:

  • Redirect all logs to only a file.

  • Redirect all logs to both the screen and to a file.

By default, the utility command reports logs of all severity levels. You can limit the number of logs that are reported by setting a severity level when you start APM services. Include the --log-level option when you start services to specify the minimum severity level of logs that are reported when you also use the logs command. Logs are reported for the specified level and all levels that are more severe. The default level is debug, which is the lowest severity level. This means that by default logs are reported for all levels.

When you set a severity level, it applies to all services.

  • To set the severity level for all services:

Best Practice:

Use the ––services option only for troubleshooting under the guidance of a Juniper Networks support representative.

You can specify any of the following severity levels, in order of increasing severity:

Table 3: Severity Level
Severity Level Description
debug Detailed information that is typically of interest only when you are trying to diagnose a problem. These logs are often very frequent.
info Events or non-error conditions of interest. Logs at this level provide confirmation that everything is working as expected. These logs are generally not very frequent.
warning Indicates that something unexpected happened or that some problem might occur in the near future. A simple example of the latter is the disk space low warning that indicates that you might run out of disk space soon. In either case, the software is still working as expected, but you might want to monitor it more closely. These logs are generally not very frequent.
error Indicates that a more serious problem has prevented the software from performing some function, but the software has handled the problem as gracefully as possible to continue functioning.
critical A serious error that indicates that the program itself might be unable to continue running.

You can use the --logset option to display logs either for only APM services or for only prebuilt services. If you do not use this option, then only the APM services logs are displayed.

To display logs for only APM services:

To display logs for prebuilt services:

Prebuilt services are services borrowed from other sources to provide infrastructure functions for APM. These sources include cMGD, haproxy, redis, and redis-sentinel. For example, redis provides database and messaging services, cMGD provides a configuration/CLI service, and so on.

Determine the APM Version

Use the apm version [--context <context name>] [-o|--output json] [--detail| --compare <SwVersion>] utility script to determine the version number of the installed APM release.

To display the release version:

To compare the specified software release versions against the current deployed release for the specified context:

Use the -j option to render the version information in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

Uninstall and Remove APM

Use the apm utility script to uninstall the APM configuration. The uninstall command reverts the actions you performed when setting up APM. Use this command to return APM to the state it was in immediately after you installed the application but before you did any setup configuration.

To uninstall APM:

After you uninstall APM, we recommend that you use the Debian uninstall procedure to remove the entire package.

How to Access APM Configuration and Operational Commands

Access the APM CLI

To access the CLI prompt, enter the following apm utility script command:

Enter a question mark to see the available top-level CLI commands. This list of commands is a subset of the Junos OS top-level commands.

For an overview of Junos OS CLI basics, see Day One: Exploring the Junos CLI. For more detailed information, see the CLI User Guide.

Access and Use CLI Configuration Statements

  1. Use the APM utility command apm cli to access the top-level CLI prompt.
  2. Access configuration mode to configure APM and the information that APM uses to configure a managed router.
  3. Enter CLI statements to configure the APM-managed BNGs, pool domains, pools, and system attributes.
  4. Save and activate the configuration. This command succeeds only when there are no configuration syntax errors.
  5. (Optional) Exit configuration mode and return to the top-level CLI prompt.

Access and Use CLI Operational Commands

To monitor APM, view APM configuration and statistics, or run certain operations manually:

  1. Use the APM utility command apm cli to access the top-level CLI prompt.
  2. Enter specific commands.
    • Use show commands to display statistics and the relationships between partitions, BNGs, pool domains, and pools.

    • Use request commands to manually initiate certain APM operations.